Page 16 - Lumber-Building - Reporter Magazine NovDec24
P. 16
Changes to the
code 2025
he Ontario Building Code is receiving an documented changes to the code for this 20 percent of the OBC different – owning
Textensive list of updates for the coming year. About one third of the code has been to differences in language, geography,
year. It is listed as 2024 OBC, but the new revised in this edition. Many of the changes temperature, weather differences and
code provisions will not start till 2025. have been made to align the Ontario Building material supply availability in different areas
While suppliers and retailers in the building Code (OBC) with the National Building Code. of Canada.
materials industry do not need to know all As part of the last free trade negotiation, our While this is the first major update in over
the new provisions, the LBMAO thought it was government agreed to have the provinces 14 years many new items are coming and
important to highlight some of the changes and the national building codes collaborate the 2024 OBC will not be static. The federal
that are happening and indicate how they with the eventual goal of having one code government and several of the provinces are
may affect your business and your staff. that would cover all of Canada. With these working to have timber frame construction
The current building code has been in its updates, the new 2024 OBC will be closer in building up to 18 stories (depending on
present form since 2012. There are over 2,000 to the National BC but will still have over occupancy) be part of the next updates.
16 LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2024