Page 17 - Lumber-Building - Reporter Magazine NovDec24
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Key Transitioning Dates: • G1 is on farm feed mills and barns with skylights shall be sealed to air barriers.”
• Until December 31, 2024, all building manure storage below the floor This means not sealed to vapour barriers.
permit applications must use the 2012 • G2 includes horse barns, hay and straw • New rules have been described that
building code regulations. storage and equipment repair indicate fire-resistance rating for walls,
• January 1 – March 31, 2025, any • G3 is green houses columns, and arches. Part
application for building permit may apply • G4 is agricultural with no human occupancy • Residential suites within a dwelling with
using either the 2012 OBC or the 2024 (liquid manure storage tanks, etc.) multiple suites have regulations calling out
OBC. • Under this new part to the code, they have the fire separation needed. Part
• April 1, 2025, all application for permits added several rules about fire separation, • Sump pits now have a designated size and
must use the 2024 OBC regulations. fire walls, fire alarms, emergency lighting, new cover regulations. Part
• BCIN Examinations with the new updates to fire protection, flame spread rules – this • The final important note in the building
the 2024 OBC have not had a date attached could be significant for some suppliers and code that we think is significant is the
to it yet. The new BCIN tests are not dealers. connections to preservative treated wood.
expected until fall at the earliest. Until then • There have also been significant new rules The new code calls for minimum corrosion
anyone needed to do a BCIN Examination added about sprinklers in agricultural resistance with treated wood for hangers,
will use the current test to be certified. buildings dependant on occupancy loads, connectors, and fasteners. Part
building size, construction materials used. • Location, mounting points and number of
Notes about these dates: • Exit requirements have been added in this carbon monoxide detectors have also been
1. During the transition period (January 1 new part 2 of the code. Exit door sizes, door updated with most new installs needing
– March 31) you must follow one set of release hardware, how they operate, and a triple detection unit for smoke, fire, and
regulations for the permit. Applicants will the number of exit doors are designated in CO2
not be able to pick pieces of the 2012 code the new rules.
and mix it with 2024 code. It will need to All these charges mean that early in 2025
be one or the other. Part 3 of the code inspectors, contractors and suppliers will all
2. The Ontario Building Officials have • Some important regulations around fire have questions about what product to supply
indicated that there must be a substantially penetrations have been added in the 2024 and install. There is a lot to digest, and we as
complete design to have a permit applied code. Tightly fitted is no longer allowed and suppliers need to work with the municipal
for under the 2012 rules. You will not be things must be fire stopped unless they are building officials and building contractors to
able to use a place holder to hold a spot cast in place. make the transition from the 2012 code to the
with the old rules while you get drawing • Sprinklers are a huge push in the new new code successful.
and designs done. They have indicated that code. Many areas in agricultural, industrial,
they need a complete design to have the commercial, and even residential buildings
2012 rules apply. will now require
sprinklers. With this
What are the significant changes to the code? new sprinkler system
With over 2,000 changes to the 2024 introduction, the
code some are more significant that others. code has changed the
Here are some of the significant changes and requirements for fire
updates to the code. alarms and fire detection
New Definitions: • With these new changes
• They have added a definition of agricultural the 2024 code has
occupancy (Group G) as many farm added provisions
buildings are now being built with living about bedroom smoke
quarters or have retail stores detectors and how they
• Farm buildings now have a complete are interconnected. This is
section in the building code. Part 2 of the particularly note-worthy
code is new, and it applies to all types of when considering the
farm buildings. new secondary suite
• Secondary suite now has a definition. “a definition that was added.
self-contained dwelling unit located in a
building or portion of a building of only Part 8 of the code
residential occupancy that contains only One notable item added
one other dwelling unit and common to the code is that septic and
spaces, and where both dwelling units holding tanks now require a
constitute a single real estate entity.” safety grate across all access Quality you can trust.
• The new code calls for four classes of Part 9 of the code
occupancy for farm buildings depending on • New notes have been
their design, usage, size, and construction. added that specifies that
These are listed as G1- G4. “windows, doors and LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2024 17