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ommercial  litigation  in  Ontario  can  be   no jury trials, leading to lower legal fees.  6. Expedited Trial
        Ctime-consuming and expensive, making it   •  Motions  and  pre-trial  procedures  are     Trials  under  Simplified  Procedure  cannot
        challenging for businesses to resolve disputes   streamlined,   ensuring   efficient   case   exceed five days, reducing delays and costs.
        efficiently.  To  streamline  litigation  for   management.
        moderate-sized claims, Ontario’s Rules of Civil   3. Mandatory  Mediation  –  A  Potential   How a Commercial Litigation Lawyer Can
        Procedure  provide  for  Simplified  Procedure   Alternative to Trial     Help
        under Rule 76.                         Mediation  is  a  required  step  under   While  Simplified  Procedure  is  designed
           This  procedure  is  designed  to  reduce   Simplified   Procedure   in   certain   to  be  more  efficient,  managing  commercial
        legal  costs,  limit  pre-trial  discovery,  and   jurisdictions, such as Toronto, Ottawa, and   litigation  still  requires  strategic  legal
        expedite dispute resolution for claims up to   Windsor. Mediation often helps businesses   guidance.  A commercial litigation lawyer can:
        $200,000.  It  offers  businesses  a  faster  and   settle  disputes  faster,  avoiding  the   •  Assess whether Simplified Procedure is the
        more  predictable  path  to  litigation  while   uncertainty of a court decision.  right approach for your case.
        maintaining access to the court system.  4. More Predictable Outcomes     •  Draft  strong  legal  arguments  to  maximize
                                               With  shorter  trials  and  limited  procedural   your chances of success.
        Who Can Use Simplified Procedure?      steps, businesses can have greater certainty   •  Negotiate  settlements  to  resolve  disputes
        Simplified Procedure applies to:       in the litigation process, enabling better risk   before trial.
        •  Businesses  with  commercial  disputes   management and financial planning.  •  Advise  on  risk  management,  ensuring
          valued  at  $200,000  or  less  (excluding                                compliance with procedural rules.
          interest and costs).
        •  Breach  of  contract  claims,                                                       Conclusion:  Is  Simplified
          unpaid   invoices,   corporate                                                       Procedure Right for Your
          disputes,  and  other  business-                                                     Business?
          related conflicts.                                                                     For  businesses  involved
        •  Matters  that  do  not  require                                                     in   contract   disputes,
          complex procedural steps such                                                        unpaid  invoices,  or  other
          as jury trials.                                                                      commercial  claims  under
                                                                                               $200,000,    Simplified
        Who  Cannot  Use  Simplified                                                           Procedure  offers  a  cost-
          Procedure?                                                                           effective   and   efficient
        •  Certain   claims,   such   as                                                       way  to  resolve  disputes.
          defamation  or  construction                                                         However,  missteps  in  the
          lien disputes, are excluded.                                                         process  can  weaken  your
        •  Cases  where  injunctive  relief                                                    case  or  limit  your  legal
          or  declaratory  judgments  are                                                      recovery.
          required.                                                                              A  commercial  litigation
                                                                                               lawyer  ensures  that  your
           Before   proceeding   under                                                         business’s   interests   are
        Rule  76,  a  commercial  litigation                                                   fully   protected   while
        lawyer  can  assess  whether                                                           taking  advantage  of  this
        this  streamlined  process  is                                                         streamlined   litigation
        appropriate for your case.           Steps in a Simplified Procedure Case  process.
                                             1. Filing a Statement of Claim         If   you   are   considering   Simplified
        Key  Benefits  of  Using  Simplified  Procedure     The plaintiff submits the claim with specific   Procedure  for  a  commercial  dispute,  contact
        for Commercial Disputes                details  on  the  nature  of  the  dispute  and   an  Ontario  commercial  litigation  lawyer  to
        1. Faster Resolution of Business Disputes  damages sought.                discuss the best legal strategy for your case.
          Unlike  traditional  litigation,  where  cases   2. Defendant’s Response  Call  Us  Toll-Free:  1  (866)  607-3689  or
          can drag on for years, Simplified Procedure     The  defendant  must  file  a  Statement  of   Email:
          speeds  up  the  process  by  setting  strict   Defence within the prescribed timeframe.
          timelines  for  each  stage  of  the  litigation.   3. Exchange of Key Documents
          This helps businesses resolve disputes and     Parties exchange relevant evidence, but full
          focus  on  operations  instead  of  prolonged   discovery is significantly limited.
          court battles.                     4. Mediation (If Applicable)
        2. Reduced Litigation Costs            Parties participate in mandatory mediation
          Under Simplified Procedure:          in select jurisdictions.
        •  Discovery is limited, reducing the need for   5. Pre-Trial Conference
          costly examinations.                 Encourages  early  settlement  discussions
        •  Trials are time-restricted to five days with   before trial.
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