Page 19 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
P. 19

am  regularly  asked  “Why  should  I  be  a   An issue that our office has been working   independent  group  who  will  support  the
        I  member of the LBMAO?”. While the LBMAO   on  to  get  a  solution  involves  credit  card   dealers  and  their  suppliers  if  things  get  off
        has  been  around  since  1917,  many  do  not   processing when the card is not present. This   track.  We  are  also  working  to  show  dealers
        understand  what  we  do.  I  was  a  dealer   is a major issue for many of our dealers. We   products or offerings that their buying group
        for  almost  20  years  and  a  member  during   are  working  to  get  the  same  type  of  third-  may not feature.
        that  time  and  to  be  honest,  I  was  not  sure   party authorization from card processors that   We  love  to  feature  what  strong  retailers
        what  happened  inside  the  LBMAO  offices.   ticket  sellers  have.  Currently  if  a  customer   and suppliers are doing in our industry. We try
        I  did  have  the  late  Jim  Kenny  come  every   calls  in  for  a  delivery  and  provides  a  credit   to show what is happening with new stores,
        three years and recertify our yard staff with   card as payment, we have no way of proving   new additions, and new suppliers to Ontario,
        forklift training. I was busy trying to grow the   that  card  is  legitimate.  Customers  can   through features in the Reporter. As a dealer I
        business  and  I  had  a  young  family  to  look   dispute  the  transaction,  and  the  retailers   loved to see what dealers and suppliers were
        after.                               are left out in the cold. Some are fraudulent   doing and tried to incorporate fresh ideas into
                                             situations,  some  are  legitimate,  but  it  is   our location.
        Why should I worry about what was    becoming  increasingly  difficult  to  know   Programs  for  hiring,  recruiting,  and
        happening outside of my circle of influence?   which  is  legit  and  which  is  a  scam.  Having   developing new staff members in our industry
           Why  should  other  LBM  dealers  and   a  third-party  identification  code  sent  to  the   is  also  a  key  role  that  we  continue  to  work
        suppliers in Ontario not think the same thing?   customer’s  phone  while  the  transaction  is   on  at  the  LBMAO.  Our  industry  has  had  a
        I now see behind the curtain and if anything,   being processed would provide legitimacy to   reputation  as  a  place  to  work  until  you  can
        this is the most crucial time for dealers and   the transaction. We are working with the card   find  your  career.  We  are  working  to  dispel
        suppliers  to  support  the  association.  The   processors to correct this.  that.  We  want  to  have  people  come  to  this
        biggest  recent  example  of  why  you  should   We  are  also  working  to  help  dealers   industry and get good paying, stable jobs. It
        want  to  support  the  LBMAO  came  during   and  suppliers  train  their  staff  to  be  more   is important to point out that our industry is
        the  start  of  the  lockdown  during  Covid.  The   productive  and  work  more  safely.  A  staff    aging, and we need to bring in the next group
        LBMAO was front and centre making sure that   member  who  is  well  trained  will  sell  more   to  capable  people  to  fill  these  roles  for  the
        the  lumber  and  building  materials  retailers   product,  have  better  interactions  with   future.
        –  particularly  the  smaller  ones  (read  not   customers and is more likely to want to stay   Our  association  is  always  looking  to
        just the box stores) - had a significant role to   in that organization. We have a multitude of   see  how  we  can  make  our  dealers  be  more
        play  in  keeping  stores  open  and  accessible   in-person  training  opportunities.  (estimating,   successful.  We  have  programs  to  save  them
        to  the  public  when  everything  was  being   sales,  yard  management,  electrical  and   money  on  credit  card  processing,  employee
        shut  down.  Your  association  worked  very   plumbing  hands-on  training).  We  also  have   benefit  programs,  health  and  wellness
        diligently on your behalf to ensure that LBM   a  substantial  number  of  online  training   programs, and building/equipment insurance.
        dealers stayed open and viable. Without the   classes. These range from Health and Safety,
        loud and constant dialog with the provincial   WHMIS,  driver  education,  and  load  safety.    We want our dealers to be successful
        government  things  could  have  turned  out   We have online classes that will ensure that   There  are  many  other  reasons  why  you
        much differently than they did.      your  location  meets  the  Ministry  of  Labour   should  be  a  member  of  the  LBMAO  -  social
                                             guidelines.  We  can  even  come  to  your   outings and having some fun. Face it, you can’t
        Other current initiatives            location to make sure that your staff meets all   work  24  hours  a  day,  seven  days  per  week.
           Currently  we  are  working  with  the   the mandatory government requirements for   You need to have fun and what better way to
        provincial government on their housing goals   forklift, boom truck or truck mounted lift truck   network and learn more about how to build
        and how our members can be a key part of   training.                      your business than hang out with others in the
        the  package.  We  are  also  working  with  the   Do  you  need  help  with  training  your   same industry. If you missed our AGM, we had
        home  builders’  association  to  partner  with   managers  or  your  contractor  staff?  We  have   an  exciting  time  watching  the  horse  racing.
        them and the government with respect to the   training  from  contractor  sales  personnel   You  missed  a  great  event.  You  will  want  to
        building code changes and the next updates.   that  includes:  the  difference  between   attend in November at Deerhurst Resort.
        We just published coverage of the 2024 Code   being  successful  or  mediocre  at  sales,  how   The best part of this entire program is that
        changes in the December Reporter. The type   to  manage  your  time,  dealing  with  pricing   you get everything I have discussed for well
        of  housing  that  we  have  supplied  and  sold   objections  and  how  to  close  the  sale.  We   under $400 per year if you are a retailer. And
        in the past 30 years is changing and we want   also have managers training on how to build   only  a  bit  more  if  you  are  a  supplier.  WOW
        our  members  to  be  front  and  centre  with   a championship team: hiring top performers,   what a great deal!
        solutions  and  knowledge.  The  LBM  dealers   motivating top performers and field coaching.   The  real  question  should  not  be  why
        and suppliers in Ontario are an integral part of   We  are  also  your  connection  to  the   should  I  be  a  member,  it  should  be  “Can  I
        the housing equation, and we need our spot   industry. Dealers at True Value in the United   afford not to be a member?”
        at  the  discussion  table  when  new  initiatives   States found out in October that is important
        and plans are being developed.       to  have  someone  who  is  looking  out  for
           We  are  also  working  with  the  trucking   your  best  interest  when  their  buying  group
        association to see if we can make the rules for   declared  bankruptcy  and  left  them  on  their
        electronic  delivery  logs  to  match  those  that   own.  While  we  do  work  closely  with  all  the
        dealers in the United States have.   buying  groups  in  Ontario,  we  are  the  only
                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2025 19
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