Page 15 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
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             rona brings together its
          collaborators to launch 2025

        RONA Brings Together its Collaborators to
        Launch 2025
           Their  2025  Vendor  Forum  was  attended
        by  over  300  participants  from  nearly  180
        vendors.  The energy was high at this event,
        which enabled their valued partners to learn
        about  RONA's  priorities  and  strategies  for
        the upcoming year, and to talk with members
        of  their  Executive  Leadership  Team  and
        merchandising teams.
             Seven  companies  were  recognized
        as  Vendors  of  the  Year  for  their  ongoing
        commitment  to  helping  deliver  the  best  to
        RONA's  customers.  RONA  expressed  that
        they feel 'fortunate to have partners who are
        committed  to  collaboration  and  innovation,
        and  who  are  dedicated  to  achieving
        excellence  alongside  our  teams.  Join  us  in
        congratulating  Stanley  Black  &  Decker,  Inc.,   key  role  in  RONA’s  growth  strategy,  and  we   About Matériaux Pont-Masson
        Mono Serra Group, Doman Building Materials   intend  to  continue  expanding  this  network   Matériaux  Pont-Masson  has  been  serving
        Group,  TNA,  S  Boudrias  Horticole,  Oldcastle   in  the  years  to  come.  RONA  was  founded   builders  for  45  years.  The  company  operates
        (CRH) and Henkel.'                   in Canada 85 years ago. It’s a company that   nine stores in Québec and Ontario, as well as
                                             was  created  by  dealers  for  dealers.  Our   an export division to the far north. In addition
        Materiaux Pont-Masson Returns to RONA's   network  of  affiliated  dealers  is  made  up  of   to complete engineering, estimation, and roof
        Network of Affiliated Dealers        Canadien  entrepreneurs,  of  which  Matériaux   truss manufacturing services operating in two
             RONA  inc.  announces  the  conclusion  of   Pont-Masson  is  now  part,”  says  J.P.  Towner,   divisions,  the  company  offers  an  exclusive
        a  partnership  agreement  with  Matériaux   President and Chief Executive Officer at RONA   sales  office  to  its  clientele  of  contractors  and
        Pont-Masson,  which  operates  nine  stores  in   inc.                    self-builders,  as  well  as  a  delivery  service
        Canada.  This  agreement  marks  Matériaux    Firmly established in Québec and Ontario,   boasting over 75 trucks. Employing more than
        Pont-Masson’s  return  to  RONA’s  network  of   Matériaux Pont-Masson is a dynamic company   500 people in its branches and divisions, the
        affiliated dealers, of which it was a member   that has been serving consumers, contractors,   company  has  been  growing  steadily  since
        for over 30 years.                   self-builders,  and  business  owners  since   2012.
             “We  have  decided  to  renew  our   1979.  Through  this  partnership,  RONA
        partnership  with  RONA  to  pursue  our   will  manage  the  supply  and  distribution   About RONA inc.
        development  plans  and  ensure  our  group’s   of  products  to  all  nine  stores  operated  by   RONA inc. is one of Canada’s leading home
        continuous growth. We were impressed with   Matériaux   Pont-Masson.   The   company,   improvement  retailers  headquartered  in
        the  recent  changes  that  were  made  to  the   which employs more than 500 people in its   Boucherville,  Quebec.  The  RONA  inc.  network
        company, in particular its strong commitment   branches and divisions, will have direct access   operates  or  services  some  425  corporate  and
        to  supporting  and  developing  its  network   to RONA’s leadership and support teams.      affiliated  dealer  stores  under  the  RONA+,
        of  affiliated  dealers,”  says  Mr.  Éric  Bailey,     “About  a  year  ago,  we  announced  a   RONA,  and  Dick’s  Lumber  banners.  With  a
        President at Matériaux Pont-Masson.  repositioning  strategy  and  a  series  of   long and rich history, RONA inc. has supported
             “Having  access  to  a  wider  variety  of   innovative programs to increase our affiliated   Canadians  in  their  home  improvement
        products,  being  included  in  decisions  that   dealers’  profitability  and  help  them  benefit   and  construction  projects  since  1939.  To
        impact us and partnering with such a strong   from  the  growth  opportunities  that  are   achieve  this,  the  company  relies  on  a  team
        banner,  both  on  the  operational  and  the   available to them. Our ambition is to operate   of  21,000  employees,  to  whom  it  strives  to
        administrative  levels,  are  key  priorities  for   the  strongest  network  of  affiliated  dealer   provide an inclusive workplace where everyone
        us. This will ensure that we offer exceptional   stores in the country, and we are making every   is  encouraged  to  contribute.  RONA  inc.  has
        service  to  our  growing  clientele,”  adds  Julie   effort to achieve that goal. In this spirit, and   been  ranked  among  Top  Employers  in  the
        Boucher, General Manager at Matériaux Pont-  with  great  enthusiasm,  I  welcome  Matériaux   Greater Montréal area since 2021. As a result of
        Masson.                              Pont-Masson  back  to  the  RONA  family.  We   its ongoing efforts in sustainable development,
             “I  am  proud  of  this  partnership,  which   will be there to support them and contribute   the company is recognized as one of Canada’s
        reflects  our  clear  vision  that  will  allow  our   to the growth and success of their company,”   Greenest Employers. To learn more about the
        affiliated  dealers  to  stand  out  even  more   adds  Alain  Ménard,  Senior  Vice-President,   company, visit
        in  their  respective  markets.  Undeniably,   RONA Affiliated Dealers at RONA inc.
        our  network  of  affiliated  dealers  plays  a                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2025 15
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