Page 11 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
P. 11


           Diego  Mazzone,  President  and  CEO  of  JRTech
        Solutions,   expressed   enthusiasm   about   the
        partnership:  “Collaborating  with  Sexton  Group  Ltd
        allows  us  to  extend  our  innovative  retail  solutions
        to  a  broader  network  of  hardware  retailers.                             auto-stak
        Our  comprehensive  integrations  and  advanced
        technologies are designed to meet the unique needs
        of  the  hardware  industry,  driving  efficiency  and                        Design • Engineer • Manufacture • Install
        enhancing the customer experience.”                                                 • More than 30 years
           “JRTech  Solutions  has  been  a  proven  leader  in
        the electronic shelf label industry, in particular, they
        have  demonstrated  their  leadership  in  supporting
        hardware  retailers  like  our  own,”  says    Jack
        Cammarata, Program Manager of Sexton Group Ltd.
        “We look forward to working with JRTech Solutions
        to create value and efficiency within our network of

        About Sexton Group Ltd
           Sexton Group Ltd is a member-owned buying group
        for independent building materials dealers, hardware
        retailers,  and  specialty  dealers  in  Canada.  With  a
        focus on providing competitive purchasing programs
        and  value-added  services,  Sexton  Group  supports  its
        members in achieving business success.

        About JRTech Solutions
           JRTech Solutions Inc. is a privately held corporation
        headquartered in Montreal, Quebec. JRTech Solutions
        Inc.  is  the  leading  Canadian  Electronic  Shelf  Label
        (ESL)  provider  and  the  largest  worldwide  distributor
        of Pricer Electronic Shelf, involved in over 1,500 store
        installations since 2008.

                      castle news

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        Castle Continues Impressive Growth Across Canada       auto-stak                 
           Castle Building Centres Group continues to grow                                       1-888-318-0141
        nationwide, this time in Guelph, Ontario. On heels of
        a multi-location member announcement, the Group
        announced today that Siderman Inc. is the latest of
        many  independent  retailers  choosing  to  join  the   John  and  his  wife  knew  that  joining   felt  this  was  the  perfect  partnership  for
        country’s fastest growing buying group.   Castle  was  the  right  decision  for  them.   Siderman’s growth.” John Balfoort, Owner.
           Since  the  inception  of  their  business  in  2008,   “We always want to be growing and doing   "At  Castle  we’re  committed  to
        entrepreneurs  John  and  Danielle  Balfoort  have   things  better,  bringing  better  value  to   preserving  the  spirit  of  the  independent
        serviced  Guelph  and  surrounding  area  for  over   our  customers.  To  us,  being  a  superhero   entrepreneur  and  the  communities
        15  years.  The  home  renovation  business  is  well   means serving people well. Castle aligns   they  serve.  Our  business  is  built  on  our
        known in the community and has grown to include   with  our  vision  and  core  values,  and  we   dedication  to  providing  members  with
        an expansive retail area with a wide assortment of   have  big  plans  to  take  our  business  to   the tools they need to be successful. It’s
        home improvement merchandise. The Balfoorts have   the next level. Castle quickly understood   this unique model that is the driving force
        plans to expand their business and product offering   this vision and got excited with us, so we   behind our continued growth across this
        even further with their move to Castle.                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2025 11
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