Page 13 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
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        province, and across Canada. We are excited      a  combination  of  organic   commented, “Our record-breaking results are
        to  welcome  Siderman  Inc.  to  the  Castle     growth   and   the   merger   a  testament  to  the  strength  of  our  forward-
        family.” Ken Jenkins, President & CEO            with  the  Edge  Group,  the   thinking,   growth-oriented   independent
                                                         Electronics,   Low   Voltage,   distributor  community  and  our  suppliers’
        Castle Awards Four Seasons of Fun Contest        Data  and  Security  group  that   commitment to independents. We are proud
        Prizes                                           joined  its  Electrical  –  U.S.   to  serve  our  independent  owner/members
           Three  lucky  winners  of  the  Castle  Four   Division  early  in  the  year.   and are honored to partner with our owner/
        Seasons of Fun Contest have picked up their      While  22  members  sold   member-led  boards  and  committees,  our
        amazing prizes!                                  their  businesses  outside  the   top-tier  supplier  partners,  and  our  team  of
           Congratulations  to  Chris  Ballennie  of     group  during  2024,  existing   exceptional AD associates.”
        Cloyne, ON who was the lucky winner of the       AD  members  acquired  57
        Summer Prize in the Castle Four Seasons of       companies  outside  of  the   About AD
        Fun Contest. Chris entered his ballot at Hook's   group and 13 fellow members.   AD  is  the  largest  contractor  and  industrial
        Building Centre, also in Cloyne and is pictured   AD’s  total  member  count  at   products  wholesale  purchasing  cooperative
        purchases from AD supplier partners, and net
        here  with  wife  Lori  and  Castle  owner  Tracy   the end of 2024 was 932.  in  North  America.  AD  provides  independent
        distributions to its owner/members.    These  results  do  not  include  the  impact   distributors and manufacturers of construction
           Congratulations to John Gamble of Stanley   of  the  merger  with  IMARK  Electrical,  which   and  industrial  products  with  support  and
           AD owner/member sales increased 6% to
        $83.3 billion. On a same-store basis, member   created  the  newly  formed  AD  Independent   resources that accelerate growth and enhance
        Bridge, PEI, who was the lucky winner of the
        sales in their respective currencies increased
        Fall  Prize  in  the  Castle  Four  Seasons  of  Fun   Electrical Supply Division in the U.S. To date,   profitability.  Our  1,400-plus  independently
        4%  in  the  U.S.,  3%  in  Canada,  and  10%  in   AD  has  welcomed  over  530  members  from   owned  distributors  span  14  divisions  in  the
        Contest.  John  entered  his  ballot  at  Spring
        Valley Building Centre in Kensington.  IMARK  Electrical,  representing  over  99%  of   U.S.,  Mexico  and  Canada  with  annual  sales
           Purchases  by  member  companies  from   IMARK  Electricals’  volume,  bringing  its  total   exceeding $100 billion. AD’s 14 divisions cover
           Congratulations  to  Trish  Hopkins  of  St.
        AD  supplier  partners  were  up  5%  to  $20.7   member count to over 1,400 for the start of   industries including electrical, industrial, safety,
        Stephen,  NB,  who  was  the  lucky  winner  of
        billion.  Net  distributions  to  owner/members   2025.                   bearings  and  power  transmission,  plumbing,
        the Winter Prize in the Castle Four Seasons of
        Fun Contest. Trish entered her ballot at Keiths
        increased 5% to $1.45 billion.         Member  sales  for  the  group  in  2025  are   PVF,  HVAC,  decorative  brands  and  building
           In 2024, AD welcomed 110 new members
        Building Supplies in St. Stephen.    projected to exceed $100 Billion.    materials.  AD  is  owned  and  governed  by  its
           Stay  tuned  for  the  final  prize  award  of
        to  its  community  of  independents  through  a   AD  Chair  and  CEO  Bill  Weisberg   members.
        Riding  Lawnmower  which  was  wone  by  a
        lucky winner in Warman, SK. Coming soon!
                    AD releases              experience  in  the  construction  and  building   Greg’s impact within AD endures, serving as
                                             supplies sectors.                    Director Emeritus on the divisional board.
                                               Target  Building  Materials’  proud  legacy   Beyond its strong, engaged leadership, at
                                             dates  back  to  1967,  when  founder  Moe   the heart of Target Building Materials’ success
                                             Drouillard  sought  to  provide  specialty   lies  its  proactive  approach  in  exploring
                                             construction  products  and  commodities  to   diverse  market  segments  to  fuel  growth.
                                             the  quickly  expanding  city  of  Windsor,  ON.   The  company’s  ability  to  adapt,  innovate,
                                             As  a  leading  independent  distributor  in  the   and  capitalize  on  emerging  opportunities
                                                              field,  the  1960s  also   has  positioned  it  as  a  trusted  leader  in  the
                                                              saw  Target  Building   building materials industry.
                                                              Materials  serve  as  a   This  change  in  ownership  marks  an
                                                              founding   member   exciting  new  chapter  in  Target  Building
                                                              of  TORBSA,  a  then-  Materials’  storied  history.  The  new  owner,
                                                              independent   buying   Max, plans to continue operating the business
                                                              group based in Bolton.  under  its  well-established  name  and  brand,
                                                                As  the  organization   while breathing new life into the core values
                                                              continued  to  expand   that have made the organization a resounding
                                                              in   the   years   that   success  over  the  past  six  decades.  With  a
                                                              ensued,   Moe’s   son,   commitment  to  honouring  the  company’s
                                                              Greg      Drouillard   legacy, Target Building Materials is poised to
                                                              joined  the  business,   channel this new leadership as an impetus for
                                                              continuing  the  relic   innovation  and  sustainable  growth  into  the
                                                              of  service,  excellence,   future.
                                                              and      community    For  more  information  please  visit:
                                                              involvement  that  his
        AD  Building  Supplies  –  Canada  member,            father  had  originally
        Target Building Materials announced a change   established.  When  TORBSA  was  acquired  by   AD Owner/Members Reach a Record $83.3
        in  ownership,  that  went  into  effect  January   AD in 2022, Greg played a pivotal role in the   Billion in 2024
        15, 2025. The company has been acquired by   merger, as well as in the formation of the AD   AD  is  reporting  record  results  for
        Max De Angelis, who holds numerous years of   Building  Supplies  –  Canada  division.  Today,   2024  in  owner/member  sales,  member

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