Page 17 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
P. 17



           eavey  Industries  LP  announced  on   were challenging for Peavey occurred in June   challenges.”  Doug  Anderson,  president  and
        PJanuary  27th  that  it  would  close  all  its   2024  when  it  was  announced  that  Peavey   CEO of Peavey Industries LP said.
        Peavey  Mart  stores.  Peavey  Mart  was  a  Red   would  end  its  relationship  with  the  Ace   What  happens  to  the  employees,  the
        Deer,  Alberta  based  retail  chain  providing   Hardware banner. As of December 31, 2024,   inventory  and  the  store  locations  has
        agricultural  supplies,  home  improvement   all Ace Hardware stores would be unable to   not  been  determined  as  of  our  printing
        products  and  hardware  items.  It  began  in   fly the Ace banner. Further to that in October   deadline. Peavey had stated in their original
        1967  as  National  Farmway  Stores  and  was   2024  the  US  headquarters  of  Ace  Hardware   announcement  of  the  22-store  closing  that
        renamed  Peavey  Mart  in  1974.  It  returned   announced  that  despite  the  withdrawn   they would close by the end of April. No word
        to  Canadian  ownership  in  1984.  It  operated   Peavey  agreement,  Canadian  Ace  dealers   on  if  the  original  timeline  with  those  stores
        predominantly in Western Canada until 2016   would not be supplied or supported by Ace in   would remain nor has an announcement for
        when Peavey Industries acquired the 51 TSC   2025.                        the balance of the stores been offered.
        Canada stores, along with a distribution centre   In   mid   January,   Peavey   Industries   The  closure  of  Peavey  Mart  will  leave  a
        in London. This expansion more than doubled   announced  that  it  would  close  22  under   significant hole in the farm, ranch, and rural
        the store count from the 34 stores in Western   performing  stores  in  Ontario  and  eastern   retail market for hardware, tools, and supplies.
        Canada to 85. This expansion also expanded   Canada  by  the  end  of  April.  The  slated   How this affects stores that operate in those
        coverage of Canada to include Manitoba and   store  closures  were  aimed  at  stabilizing  the   areas is to be determined. In the short term,
        Ontario.                             business.  As  part  of  their  restructuring  bid,   close-out sales will have a negative effect on
           As part of the expansion strategy, the TSC   Peavey  Industries  secured  a  $155  million   competing stores. In the long term there is an
        stores in Manitoba were rebranded as Peavey   financing  package  from  Gordon  Brothers,  a   opportunity for dealers to add staff and build
        Mart in 2017 and the Ontario stores followed   retail-focused  investment  firm  from  Boston.   sales.  The  Peavey  store  locations  may  be  a
        in  2021.  Another  part  of  the  expansion   The  financing  package  included  a  revolving   new opportunity for dealers.
        plans  included  the  acquisition  of  the  Ace   credit line of $105 million, a $30 million term   It is never good for business when a solid,
        Hardware  name  from  Lowe’s-owned  RONA   loan  and  a  $20  consignment  program.  The   long-time  competitor  is  forced  to  close.  The
        in  2020.  Peavey  maintained  the  107  store   financing was to support ongoing operations   fallout  from  the  Peavey  closures  may  take
        Ace Hardware chain, supplying products from   and  provide  a  life  preserver  to  Peavey’s   months to conclude. We continue to see that
        their own distribution centres. They had also   struggling  operations.  Unfortunately,  the   the  Canadian  retail  landscape  is  changing.
        purchased  a  Red  Deer-based  transportation   lifeline provided by Gordon Brothers was not   Customers  are  changing,  and  they  are
        company, Guy’s Freightways in 2023. Peavey   enough to save Peavey Mart from closure.   demanding  more  than  ever  from  Canadian
        had  been  a  long-time  customer  of  this   “The  Canadian  retail  environment  has   retailers. Retailers need to work to meet those
        company.                             faced significant disruption over recent years,   demands to thrive despite these challenges.
           The  first  external  signs  that  operations   and  Peavey  has  not  been  immune  to  these                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2025 17
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