Page 14 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
P. 14
new ownership for bmr kemptville we are constantly working to build a more About Orgill:
Established in 1847 and headquartered
building centre robust range of products to meet all of these in Collierville, Tennessee, Orgill is the world’s
dealers’ needs and we think these new
partnerships are a good illustration of those largest independently owned hardlines
efforts.” distributor with annual sales exceeding $3.7
Moore also points out that with many billion. Orgill provides products and services to
of the recent changes in the industry’s over 13,000 retail locations throughout the US
distributor makeup, Orgill wants to ensure covering all fifty states, all Canadian provinces
that retailers looking for new or alternate and territories, as well as over 50 additional
sources of supply have access to the familiar countries. Orgill serves a diverse range of
The BMR Kemptville Building Centre Ltd., products and brands available through their businesses, including hardware stores, home
located at 2540 County Road 43, has officially former suppliers. centers, professional lumber dealers, and farm
transitioned to the Home Hardware network Expanding its vendor network and stores.
under new ownership. Now operating as establishing new relationships has always
Kemptville Home Hardware Building Centre, been a focus for Orgill. According to the
the store opened its doors to the community company’s new executive vice president nicholson and cates limited
on December 24, 2024. and chief operating officer, Clay Jackson,
This exciting change is led by Dan Moulton, these recent vendor additions are part of this announces distribution of cape cod
a seasoned Home Hardware Dealer with a ongoing evolution. finished wood siding
proven history of success. Spanning a 49,000 “Ensuring our customers have efficient and
sq. ft. facility, the store features 25,000 sq. ft. cost-effective access to brands, assortments,
of retail space and a 14,000 sq. ft. warehouse, and the latest in product innovation so they
offering an extensive selection of building can be successful in their markets is really
materials, hardware, and home improvement at the heart of what we should be doing as a
products. The store is designed to meet the distributor,” says Jackson, who recently joined Nicholson and Cates Limited, a trusted leader
needs of homeowners and contractors alike, Orgill after spending more than two decades in the building products industry, is pleased to
solidifying its position as a key player in the with Tractor Supply Company. “The better job announce the addition of Cape Cod Finished
local home improvement sector. we do partnering with vendors, establishing Wood Siding to its product portfolio.
new relationships and strengthening existing With Cape Cod, N&C will provide
orgill announces new vendor relationships, the better job we can do serving customers with a natural exterior wood
the unique, market-focused needs of our
relationships with top brands customers.” cladding option that enhances style and
adds value to any project. Cape Cod is one
leading up to dealer market Below is just a partial list of the new of North America’s specialists in prefinished
vendors Orgill has added to its current wood siding, trims, and colour-matched
selection and who will be on hand at the accessories. This product line will replace
Spring Dealer Market: N&C’s distribution of Fraser Wood Siding.
• Big Green Egg - ceramic cookers This new partnership reflects N&C’s
• Savant/GE - lightbulbs commitment to offering high-quality building
• Legrand/Pass & Seymour - electrical materials that meet the evolving needs of the
devices industry. Customers and partners can expect
Just weeks out from its Spring Dealer Market • Broan Nutone - bathroom ventilation the same exceptional service and care that
in New Orleans, Orgill has announced systems N&C has built its name on, as the company
several new vendor partnerships designed • EcoFlo - utility pumps and well accessories introduces this new product line.
to augment its industry-leading product • Feathered Friend - bird seed
selection and provide additional options • Sunnyside - solvents and kerosene About Nicholson and Cates Limited
to both its current customers and retailers • DR Power - specialty outdoor power Founded in 1930 as an independent
seeking new sources of supply. equipment distributor and manufacturer of lumber
From Big Green Egg and GE Lighting to • FoxFarm - specialty fertilizers and soil
Feathered Friend and Sunnyside, these new • Penofin - exterior stains and wood and building products, Nicholson and Cates
vendor partnerships include many of the preservative products Limited has built its reputation on exceptional
home improvement industry’s leading brands, customer service and commitment to quality.
and all of the new vendors will be present and “The addition of all of these new vendors Today, N&C operates one of the largest building
ready to do business at Orgill’s Dealer Market, is part of a strategy here at Orgill to listen products distribution centers in Ontario,
scheduled for February 20-22 at the Ernest N. to the market, listen to our customers and along with two lumber milling facilities
Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. respond proactively to meet their needs,” located in central and eastern Canada. N&C’s
“Orgill serves possibly the most diverse Shore says. “Because we serve such a diverse partnerships and processes reflect a dedication
base of retail customers of any distributor customer base with retailers of all types, sizes, to the environment and to forging relationships
in this industry,” says Boyden Moore, and locations, it is that much more important with vendors that manage lumber and other
Orgill’s president and CEO. “From many of we actively work to build those vendor
the industry’s top pro dealers to suburban relationships that will meet all our customers’ natural resources responsibly. For more
hardware stores and farm and ranch dealers, needs. That’s our goal, and I’m sure we will information, visit: or contact
have even more new vendors added in the Morgan Wellens, President: morganw@
coming weeks.”
14 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2025