Page 8 - Jan-Feb-2025 - REPORTER
P. 8


                                                     USING BIOSIMILARS TO

                                                     REDUCE DRUG COSTS

                                                     HUB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED

         n  the  association  industry,  attracting  and  retaining  top  talent  is   along with its evidence-based decision. The insurer also decreased its
        Ioften a critical challenge, especially in a competitive market where   premium rates to boost the uptake of the policy.
        employees have numerous options. To stand out as an employer of   “We’ve  been  working  with  our  plan  sponsors  to  maximize
        choice, offering comprehensive employee benefits as part of the total   biosimilar value.  Not only were we giving them peace of mind, but we
        compensation package is more than a strategy, it’s a necessity.   were also considering the [sustainability] of their drug plan. We had a
           These  benefits  not  only  enhance  the  value  of  compensation  but   long-term mindset; obviously one of the reasons we did this is because
        also  demonstrate  a  commitment  to  employee  well-being,  fostering   it’s going to stimulate competition, and when it does . . . it’s going to be
        loyalty  and  long-term  engagement.  One  innovative  approach   a bit more affordable for everyone.”
        associations  can  adopt  to  manage  costs  while  maintaining  robust   Also  speaking  during  the  session,  Ross  Wallace,  secretary  of  the
        benefits is the inclusion of biosimilars in their health plans. By opting   Canadian Biosimilars Forum, noted while biosimilars are biologics, the
        for biosimilars - highly effective, FDA-approved alternatives - instead   most significant difference is price: biosimilars in Canada tend to have
        of  name-brand  pharmaceuticals,  associations  can  significantly   list prices of roughly 30 per cent to 50 per cent that of the originator
        reduce  drug  costs  without  compromising  quality  or  care,  ensuring   biologic.
        that resources are used effectively to deliver maximum value to both   Under Desjardins’ policy, when a new biosimilar comes to market,
        employees and the organization.                        the insurer sends personalized communications to all plan members
           Despite the safety and efficacy of biosimilars — and the potential   taking  the  reference  biologic.  The  communication  sets  out  clear
        cost  savings  they  offer  —  uptake  among  private  payers  has  been   definitions  for  relevant  terms  like  reference  biologic,  biosimilar  and
        low historically and is only starting to gain steam, said Neda Nasseri,   transition and includes a Health Canada poster on biosimilars. Since
        pharmacist and private payer product director at Desjardins Insurance,   2019, the insurer has sent out roughly 10,000 letters to plan members.
        during  Benefits  Canada’s  2023  Face  to  Face  Drug  Plan  Management   Plan members are given six months to make the switch, and they
        Forum in December.                                     receive a reminder roughly three months before the deadline. To help
           The  insurer  first  developed  a  policy  to  promote  biosimilar  use   them along, Desjardins applies their existing prior authorization for the
        back in 2016: when a plan member submitted a claim for a biologic,   reference biologic to the biosimilar. “Offering personalized support is
        if there was at least one biosimilar on the market, only the biosimilar   really the best way to make it easier for them to switch,” said Nasseri.
        would be covered. In 2019, it began implementing biosimilar switching   The insurer follows the same exception criteria as the provinces,
        for  existing  patients,  following  in  the  footsteps  of  British  Columbia,   including  allowing  reference  biologics  for  pediatric  use,  during
        Saskatchewan, and Quebec.                              pregnancy  and  for  people  who  have  failed  prior  therapies.  Just  six
           To date, the insurer has 94 per cent biosimilar penetration in those   per cent of plan members have used the exception. She noted that not
        three  provinces  and  40  per  cent  in  Ontario  and  the  rest  of  Canada,   only is biosimilar switching a “low-hanging fruit” for cost-savings, but
        where the switching policy went into effect on January 1, 2024. It has   association plan members can also get faster access to treatment for
        made the switch from 12 reference biologics to their corresponding   some biosimilars.
        biosimilars, resulting in savings of between 15 per cent and 50 per   To learn more about employee benefits and the value-add programs
        cent. In Quebec alone, Desjardins said it has saved $10 million.  offered through the LBMAO program visit, Affinity Partners
           Nasseri noted it isn’t always easy for employers to make a decision   and click on Morneau Shepell.
        that  impacts  employees’  health,  but  Desjardins’  plan  sponsors  went

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