Page 18 - LBMAO - May-Jun 2020 REPORTER - web optimized
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"You tell us what meat cutters, welders, horse groomers
                                                      and hot tub installers have in common!"

          2020:                              year of the                          virus

           s  we  moved  into  the  fourth  month  of   and  some  took  advantage  of  the  Canada   declines in April and into May.  Although the
        Amanaging  our  personal  and  business   Emergency   Response   Benefit   (CERB).    Ontario  government recently  announced
        lives  being  impacted  by  the  COVID-19   Stephen  and  his  management  team  split   that it was okay to open, Greg did not feel
        pandemic,  we  took  the  opportunity  to   duties.    Stephen  was  working  from  home   comfortable  to  do  so  until  his  staff  and
        interview  several  of  our  members  to  find   and monitoring all the various government   customers could be managed in such a way
        out how this unprecedented occurrence has   announcements  daily,  ensuring  that  the   as to ensure a safe environment.  They will
        affected their operations; as well as how this   other  members  of  the  team  who  were   do a gradual opening of their retail walk-in
        has impacted their employees and how they   operating  the  store  were  aware  of  their   traffic.
        are managing.                        requirements.                          With sales declining and costs remaining
           Traditionally,  the  Victoria  Day  holiday   At  the  time  of  this  interview,  Stephen   the same, Greg had to reduce his staff and
        weekend  in  May  is  a  nightmare;  traffic   indicated  that  their  business  would  initially laid off some of them; however, with
        moving north on Highway 400 - stop and go   not  qualify  for  any  of  the  government   business  picking  up  he  has  been  able  to
        all the way to cottage country!  NOT THIS   subsidy  programs  except  for  the  ones   rehire those who were laid off.  The business
        YEAR!                                accessed  by  their  employees.      Overall,  he   has taken advantage of the wage subsidy
           Stephen Collins, part of the management   suggested  that  the  response  at  both  the   and  loan  programs  offered  by  the  federal
        team at Gravenhurst Home Building Centre   federal  and  provincial  levels  have  been   government.    This  will  ensure  that  they
        in this iconic cottage country community in   good  considering  that  this  pandemic   move into the summer in a good financial
        the Muskokas, indicated that it was a much   is  something  that  none  of  us  have   position,  as  all  indications  are  that  their
        slower pace in the store this long weekend.   experienced  in  our  lifetime.    His  biggest   contractor trade is starting to pick up.
        Bob  Collins,  now  retiring  after  many  years   challenge is ensuring the wellbeing of their   Greg pointed out that sales transactions
        in the Beaver organization and with Home   employees as they manage the anxiety and   are  up;  however,  the  average  sales  per
        since  2004,  has handed  the  business  over   stress of these times.  Life as we know it will   transaction  is  down  considerably  which
        to  his  son  Stephen.  Stephen  commented   return but it will take time and will look a lot   is  contributing  to  overall  sales  declines.
        that  March sales were good and April was   different in cottage country!  Going into late May and June, a noticeable
        slightly  off  last  year’s,  but  May  and  into   Target Building Materials Ltd, a vibrant   increase in contractor activity was noticed;
        June will see significant slowdown as their   and  well-established  family  business  in   and  as  the  economy  opens  up,  Greg  and
        seasonal cottage trade is not happening this   Windsor that caters to specialty contractors,   his  team  are  optimistic that business  will
        year.                                has  also  experienced  the  challenges  of   improve but with a totally different way of
           Adapting  to  the  new  reality,  they   adapting to this new era of doing business.    interacting with customers.
        closed  the  store  on  March  23rd  to  offer   Greg  Drouillard,  who  was  frank  and  open   Greg commented that one of the biggest
        only  curbside  pickup  and  delivery  for  their   about their ability to stay in business while   challenges is helping staff to cope with the
        customers.  A few employees took layoffs;   only  providing  curbside  sales  and  delivery   stress of handling the challenges - both at
        however many stayed on at reduced hours   to  their  customers,  has  experienced  sales   work and at home; daycare being an issue

        18  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020                                                 
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