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P. 19
with some employees. Overall, was quite open about the affect
he feels that both the federal of COVID-19 on his business
and provincial governments have and employees. The business
adequately handled the information recognized a 30-40% drop in
flow and recognized the challenge revenues since March and has relied
for them. Red tape in accessing on several of the federal programs
programs such as the 75% wage to keep layoffs to a minimum. Rob
subsidy has been cumbersome; and also indicated that his customer
he is also concerned about the long- base is still 70% home improvement
term impact of all the borrowing on and BMF have been able to
the national and provincial debts. support retail home improvement
As well, he is currently investing in retailers with some installs and
training programs for his employees merchandising. However, his other
to help them be the best in the retail sectors, such as sporting
industry! goods and clothing, have been
Dale Bell, Logistics Manager devastated.
for National Forest Products Ltd Most of his office staff
in London, commented from a are working from home and
vendor’s point of view that overall his installers and warehouse
they did not experience a significant people have reduced hours. Rob
sales decline in March, April and thoughtfully contemplated the
May. Coming into June, they look future of his office which has just
to be strong for sales. National gone through a major expansion
Forest Products is a producer and and is now sitting mostly empty -
distributor of quality cedar products but for how long? He mused that
with their head office in London and the Commercial Property Rental
a distribution centre in Orillia. Much subsidy is not going to be widely
of their cedar is sourced from BC. accepted by landlords and the
Dan Plouffe, President and government will have to rethink
owner of National Forest Products, how to better support businesses
recognized in early March the with high rent and low revenues.
impact of the COVID-19 on business Of the programs that he has
and initiated a program for all his applied for, the Working Capital
staff and sales people to work from Loan program will provide support
home offices which is still in place in throughout the next several
early June. Their distribution centre months if revenues continue to
is shipping product and experiencing be soft. He also mentioned that in
strong demand. However, Dale the past couple of years BMF have
recognizes that some customers developed a growing customer
are experiencing sales challenges, base in the U.S. which has now
particularly those in cottage country. dried up. He also feels that the 75%
Although National Forest wage subsidy program will have
Products did not qualify for any of to continue into the summer - and
the provincial or federal subsidy probably the fall - as businesses
programs, Dale said that overall will be slow to recover. Rob and his
the response from government has team are one of the most respected
been good; his only concern was the merchandising companies in our
shutting down of construction and industry. He is confident that his
not issuing building permits. This is business will weather the future no
going to create a backlog over the matter how different it will be (in
summer and he felt that policies how they do business).
could have been put in place to Drummond BMR in Marmora
ensure physical distancing and other in Eastern Ontario is good
controls on the jobsites that would example of how to quickly adapt
have mitigated the fear of spreading to interruptions in your business.
the virus. Owners Peggy and Debbie
Another member business Drummond were quick to convert to
that has experienced disruption in the curbside pick-up and deliveries
their business model is Burlington when they had to close their store
Merchandising & Fixtures Inc. to walk-in traffic. The logistics on
(BMF) based in Burlington Ontario. the curbside pickup proved to be
Rob Wilbrink, President and CEO, challenging but once they had a
Pictured opposite: Gravenhurst HBC employees practice for the re-opening after
the lock-down; this page from top: Greg Drouillard salutes the front line health
workers of Windsor; Dale Bell, National Forest Products; BMF office, expanded
but not being used due to pandemic. LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020 19