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videos.  Dust  off  your  weight  bench   distancing  doesn’t  lead  to  emotional   Lifeline  (1-800-273-8255)  or  Crisis  Text
          and take the laundry off the treadmill.   distancing for those most in need.  Line by texting “start” to 741-741.
          Get on it. Use it.                                                        Get  the  latest  information,  guidance
                                             5. Limit poor nutritional habits that   and resources on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
        4. Help each other. Social distancing does   weaken your immune system. One habit   to help you protect what matters most
          not mean you shouldn’t seek and give   to  curb  is  eating  or  drinking  more   at  our  Coronavirus  Resource  Center.  For
          support.  The  upside  to  social  media   than  100  grams  (8  tbsp)  of  sugar  a   additional  support,  please  reach  out  to
          is  that  we  truly  are  more  connected   day.  That  much  sugar  reduces  your   your local HUB office.
          than ever before. Find out who needs   white blood cells’ ability to kill germs   ________________________________________
          help and offer it, in a way that keeps   by 40%! Also limit your alcohol intake   1
          everyone safe and cared for. Even with   as  studies  show  that  three  or  more   2
          social  distancing,  you  can  drop  off   alcoholic  drinks  daily  are  enough  to
          medicine  or  supplies  to  a  neighbour   suppress your immunity.
          or friend. Call your church or check in
          with  your  online  groups  to  find  out   If  anxiety  or  stress  interferes  with
          who  needs  a  meal  that  can  be  left   your  ability  to  function  or  care  for
          on  their  doorstep,  or  a  prescription   yourself or your family, seek professional
          delivered.  And  of  course,  if  you   help.  Check  in  with  your  personal
          bought  lots  of  “bulk  extras,”  maybe   physician,  contact  your  company-
          spare  a  few  food  or  household  items   sponsored Employee Assistance Program
          for  those  who  weren’t  able  to  stock   (EAP)  if  you  have  one,  or  call  a  support
          up.  Be  creative  to  ensure  our  social   line like the National Suicide Prevention

    Message from the PRESIDENT                                                                                                    Message from the PRESIDENT

        ...Industry News continued from page 15

            sexton group announcement          Beyond  Sexton  Group  Tom  has  had  a   Canada  for  the  distribution  of  its  glass
                          our industry remains strong                                                                                                   our industry remains strong
                                             big  impact  on  our  industry  as  a  member
                                                                                  mineral  wool  insulation  products  to  the
                                                                                  Lumber, Building Materials (LBM) and OEM
                                             of  the  WRLA  Board  of  Directors  for  many
                                             years eventually being the named the WRLA
                                             Chairman in 2018-2019.               channels across Canada.
                                                                                    This  agreement  took  effect  June  3rd
                                               Please  join  me  in  thanking  Tom  and   2020.
                                             wishing him all the best.              CertainTeed Canada is one of the world
                                               If  you  have  any  questions,  or  need   leaders  in  manufacturing  and  sales  of
        After  two  successful  years,  Tom  Bell  is   assistance, please reach out to me directly.  sustainable glass mineral wool insulation.
        moving on to new adventures. We wish Tom                                    CanWel  will  extend  its  product  offering
        all the best in his future endeavors.  Eric  Palmer,  Vice  President  and  General   for  the  LBM  channel  to  include  this  high
           I  would  like  to  personally  thank  Tom   Manager                   quality product line and to partner with one
        for the last two years at the Sexton Group.                               of the world's largest manufacturers of glass
      david campbell         his  edition  of    canwel announces national        mineral wool insulation.                          david campbell         his  edition  of  the  Reporter  magazine  focuses   The rent relief program has not been helpful as
        Tom  was  able  to  build  and  rekindle  many  the  Reporter  magazine  focuses
                                                                         The rent relief program has not been helpful as
        successful member relationships.
                                                distribution partnership with
                                                                                    CanWel’s  national  stocking  and  LTL
      LBMAO President     Tprimarily  on  the  impact  of  the  COVID-19   most  landlords  do  not  wish  to  pay  the  25%  cost,   LBMAO President   Tprimarily  on  the  impact  of  the  COVID-19   most  landlords  do  not  wish  to  pay  the  25%  cost,
                          Pandemic  on  our
           Tom  has  had  a  long  and  meaningful  members,  as  well  as  on  the   understanding their costs need to be covered as well.             Pandemic  on  our  members,  as  well  as  on  the   understanding their costs need to be covered as well.
                                                                                  infrastructure,  supported  by  its  logistics
        association  with  Sexton  Group,  first     certainteed canada  Obtaining PPE equipment at a reasonable cost has                               Association itself.                            Obtaining PPE equipment at a reasonable cost has
                          Association itself.
                                                                                  and  sales  services,  will  enable  dealers
        during  the  foundational  years  alongside                   been a sore issue and there is a noticeable indication                              Having  interviewed  several  of  our  retail  and   been a sore issue and there is a noticeable indication
                             Having  interviewed  several  of  our  retail  and
                                                                                  across  Canada  to  experience  CertainTeed
        Bob  Mondy  working  with  our  growing  I  have  come  to  the  conclusion   of price gouging and mismanagement of the supply                  supplier  members,  I  have  come  to  the  conclusion   of price gouging and mismanagement of the supply
                          supplier  members,
                                                                                  Insulation’s  quality  and  value  with  proven
        membership. Tom then went on to own and  part,  our  sector  has  not  had  the   chain by government in this important category.               that,  for  the  most  part,  our  sector  has  not  had  the   chain by government in this important category.
                          that,  for  the  most
                                                                                  performance and support.
        operate Jeni’s in LaSalle, Manitoba a Sexton  sales  and  cash  flows  as  other   There has been a major increase in online ordering           severe  decline  on  sales  and  cash  flows  as  other   There has been a major increase in online ordering
                          severe  decline  on
        Group member. Despite the responsibilities                    for those members offering this service and this will                             sectors, such as clothing and footwear.  As well, those   for those members offering this service and this will
                          sectors, such as clothing and footwear.  As well, those
        of leading Jeni’s, Tom always found time to                   probably continue.                                                                social and sports sectors such as minor hockey, soccer   probably continue.
                          social and sports sectors such as minor hockey, soccer
        participate in making the Group better. He                       The virtual trade shows being introduced by our                                and other sporting endeavors have been devastated   The virtual trade shows being introduced by our
                          and other sporting endeavors have been devastated
        was one of founding members of our Sexton                     buying group members will have an impact on how                                   with chances of getting back to any type of normalcy   buying group members will have an impact on how
                          with chances of getting back to any type of normalcy
        Group Member Steering Committee.                              future networking, buying and learning is conducted                               over the summer being very doubtful.   Hundreds of   future networking, buying and learning is conducted
                          over the summer being very doubtful.   Hundreds of
           Tom and his wife Donna were fixtures at                    by moving away from a face to face platform.                                                  thousands  of  people  in  these  groups   by moving away from a face to face platform.
                                      thousands  of  people  in  these  groups
        Sexton Group events such as our Member                           Most of our members are weathering the situation                      "There has been a  are  experiencing  a  long  period  of  lay   Most of our members are weathering the situation
                  "There has been a  are  experiencing  a  long  period  of  lay
        Conferences  where  their  penchant  for   CanWel  Building  Materials  with  some  challenges  on  revenues,  dependent  on                                off  and  will  need  support  from  the   with  some  challenges  on  revenues,  dependent  on
                                      off  and  will  need  support  from  the
                  major increase in
        creative  costumes  at  the  social  evenings   announced  today  that  it  has  entered  into                                          major increase in   government  to  provide  the  basics  in   their location.  Traditionally at this time of year, the
                                      government  to  provide  the  basics  in
                                                                      their location.  Traditionally at this time of year, the
                                             a  multi-year  partnership  with  CertainTeed
        were a thing of legend.       life.  So, from that respect we should   LBMAO  would  be  hosting  several  events,  such  as          online ordering for   life.  So, from that respect we should   LBMAO  would  be  hosting  several  events,  such  as
                 online ordering for
                                      feel lucky we work in this industry.  golf  tournaments  and  the  “Cool  Car  Ride”  but,  with                              feel lucky we work in this industry.  golf  tournaments  and  the  “Cool  Car  Ride”  but,  with
                    those members                                                                                                                those members                 To  summarize  the  interviews,  it   the pandemic in full swing, this has had a negative                                     To  summarize  the  interviews,  it   the pandemic in full swing, this has had a negative
                                                                                   LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020  17
                       offering this   is  interesting  to  note  some  of  the   impact on the Association cash flow.  We have taken                offering this   is  interesting  to  note  some  of  the   impact on the Association cash flow.  We have taken
                                      common  threads  experienced  by   advantage  of  the  programs  offered  by  the  federal                                    common  threads  experienced  by   advantage  of  the  programs  offered  by  the  federal
                service and this will  the  owners  and  managers  of  these   government  on  wage  subsidies  and  loan  programs.          service and this will  the  owners  and  managers  of  these   government  on  wage  subsidies  and  loan  programs.
                probably continue."   businesses:                     This  should  help  us  move  through  the  summer                      probably continue."   businesses:                     This  should  help  us  move  through  the  summer
                                        Most  all  agreed  that  response   months and into our membership renewal period.                                            Most  all  agreed  that  response   months and into our membership renewal period.
                                      from  both  federal  and  provincial   We  have  seen  an  increase  in  member  usage  of                                    from  both  federal  and  provincial   We  have  seen  an  increase  in  member  usage  of
                          governments  in  addressing  the  financial  and  social   our  online  training  programs,  with  the  new  “Driver          governments  in  addressing  the  financial  and  social   our  online  training  programs,  with  the  new  “Driver
                          needs of the citizens of this province was good with a   Training  Modules”  being  used  by  several  of  our                needs of the citizens of this province was good with a   Training  Modules”  being  used  by  several  of  our
                          few areas of suggested improvement.         member  businesses  with  very  positive  comments                                few areas of suggested improvement.         member  businesses  with  very  positive  comments
                             It  was  generally  felt  that  the  provincial   on  the  outcome  of  this  important  training  support                   It  was  generally  felt  that  the  provincial   on  the  outcome  of  this  important  training  support
                          government  did  not  necessarily  need  to  close   service.                                                                 government  did  not  necessarily  need  to  close   service.
                          down  all construction  and instead should  have   There  is  no  question  that  once  this  pandemic  is                    down  all construction  and instead should  have   There  is  no  question  that  once  this  pandemic  is
                          implemented a very stringent health and safety policy   over we will all conduct our lives, both personally and               implemented a very stringent health and safety policy   over we will all conduct our lives, both personally and
                          if they stayed open; as well, a more regional approach   professionally, in a much different manner - hopefully               if they stayed open; as well, a more regional approach   professionally, in a much different manner - hopefully
                          could have been taken.                      for the good.                                                                     could have been taken.                      for the good.
                             Building  permits  should  have  been  issued   We  wish  all  of  our  members  every  success  in                          Building  permits  should  have  been  issued   We  wish  all  of  our  members  every  success  in
                          throughout the pandemic period as they usually take   getting  through  this  unprecedented  time  for  our                   throughout the pandemic period as they usually take   getting  through  this  unprecedented  time  for  our
                          several months to see them implemented.     business and our families.                                                        several months to see them implemented.     business and our families.
                             Extension  of  the  wage  subsidy  will  have  to  be                                                                        Extension  of  the  wage  subsidy  will  have  to  be
                          addressed as the recovery period will extend into the                                                                         addressed as the recovery period will extend into the
                          fall.                                                                                                                         fall.
    6  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020                                                                    6  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020                                                  
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