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5 ways                                   to reduce stress & boost immune

                                                 system while social distancing

                                                                                                    By Wendy King

        As COVID-19 continues to spread and we make lifestyle adjustments in response, the challenge is to maintain your
        mental and physical health in light of mounting stress. These strategies will help.

           s  social  distancing  becomes  our   also  severely  depress  our  immune   Their  perspective  is  different  than
        Anew  “norm”  over  at  least  the  next   systems.1 Combat this fear by acting   adults’,  and  they  will  have  difficulty
        several  weeks,  the  pressures  may  be   on facts, not misinformation. Look at   processing  the facts.  Children  also
        overwhelming.  There  are  challenges   the  statistics  and  the  real  numbers   notice  our  emotional  state,  so  try  to
        finding childcare and keeping necessities   of  infections  being  reported  by  the   stay  calm  and  provide  facts  to  help
        stocked,  never  mind  keeping  yourself   Centers for Disease Control and local/  them  understand  the  situation  and
        safe  at  work  and  out  in  the  world.  And   national  officials.  You  can  tackle  fear   how  everyone  can  get  through  this
        how  much  disinfectant  is  enough,   by  facing  it  head-on  with  facts  and   together.
        anyway?  We  all  need  to  think  about   smart precautions like hand washing,
        practical coping strategies while dealing   disinfecting  surfaces,  and  social  3. Get some physical exercise.  Exercise
        with  the COVID-19  pandemic.  Here  are   distancing.                      your  body  to  help  keep  your  mind  in
        five to employ today:                                                       check. In fact,  aerobic  exercise  is  as
                                             2. Be smart about social and TV time.   important  for  your  head  as  it  is  for
        1. Use  facts  and  precautions  to  manage   Social  media  platforms  can  cause   your  heart.  It has  a unique capacity
          your fear.  The  unknown  can  be  scary   incredible  anxiety  as  rumours  and   to  exhilarate  and  relax,  provide
          and  can  overwhelm  us.  Fear  can   misinformation  spread  on  them.   stimulation  and  calm,  as  well  as
          inflate  negative  thoughts,  which   Limit  time  on  social  media,  and   counter  depression  and  dissipate
          leads  to  unhealthy  stress.  Ongoing   don’t  instigate  hysteria  by  reposting   stress.2 So, take a walk, a run, or even
          stress  releases  hormones   that    unvetted  information.  Limit  your   tune in to one of the thousands of free
          get  us  ready  for  emergencies,  but   children’s exposure to television news.   online  yoga,  meditation  or  workout

        16  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2020                                                 
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