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the building supply industry; and with
more than 40 years’ experience, he has
gained a reputation as a “cedar specialist”.
After talking with him, you walk away
understanding his reputation and the
passion he has towards being one of the
most knowledgeable people on cedar in our
When asked about how to become a
“cedar specialist” in your marketplace,
Tom emphatically suggests that there are
two principles in successfully selling this
category of wood. First, knowledgeable
salespeople who are passionate about the
product. Second, a stocking dealer needs to
carry the essential component SKUS to build
decks, fences, paneling and siding if they
want to really be the “place to go for cedar”.
Plus access to a wider basket of products on
a special order basis.
Cedar shingles are still a product that
discerning consumers wish to have on their
homes or cottages. An informed consumer
is also an important factor and Nu-Forest
Products has supported and attended the
“Cottage Life” show held in Toronto in the
fall and spring – a consumer show that is
well attended and many good leads are
obtained at this exhibition. This year has
been the exception with the COVID-19
epidemic forcing all in-person shows and
exhibitions to cancel.
Even with the COVID-19 pandemic,
most home improvement retailers are
enjoying exceptional sales and profitablilty.
Shortages of all types of white and PT
lumber has driven consumers to consider
cedar as an option for decks, fencing and
siding. Tom expresses his frustrations on
shortages of product and he now describes
sales of cedar lumber as “Selling in Transit
Wood” as they can sell every stick that
comes into their distribution centre.
Tom would also like to clarify some
misunderstandings about this lumber not have time to chat on the phone and product.
product. First, many believe that cedar is face-to-face meetings are not the norm Located in Beamsville, a community in
higher maintenance than other lumber. as before. The Nu-Forest customer base is the Niagara region just off the QEW, they
Not so! All lumber will discolour after time. primarily building supply retailers and some have nine employees and are focused on
PT in green and now brown will eventually manufacturers. being the “cedar specialist”. Five years ago,
go grey. So does cedar. He suggests that They do not sell to contractors or they moved from a location around the
cedar doesn’t need to be sealed or stained home owners, he emphasizes, and corner to their current location which offers
(it can be) but it should NEVER be washed they concentrate solely on the Ontario much more outdoor storage and a larger
with a pressure washer as it will damage marketplace. warehouse capacity. Tom and his teams’
the fibers and make an ideal surface for Local deliveries are done with their approach to servicing their customers is to
airborne organisms. Simply cleaning with own delivery trucks and they use reliable ensure that they deliver the best customer
warm water, mild dish soap and some common carriers that specialize in shipping experience they can by asking questions
elbow grease is all that is needed to keep lumber products for longer distances. about the applications the consumer is
it clean and fresh. Even letting it go grey is Unlike dimensional white wood using this premium product for. They also
an option; and many homeowners like the lumber, cedar is intentionally not stamped support their retail customers by attending
rustic appearance of cedar going grey to with mill identification as it is generally contractor and consumer BBQs and product
enhance the appearance of their property. used in appearance applications. The knowledge sessions.
When asked about the challenges of cedar industry is focused on quality and The future looks bright for Nu-Forest
selling into the “new normal” pandemic availability and is priced comfortably Products and they fully back their slogan
mode in business today, he feels that between pressure treated and composites “Options Are Us”!
even though they are extremely busy, alternatives. Purchasers of this product are
the business climate has changed more concerned with aesthetic appearance
significantly. Most of their customers do and are willing to pay for a premium LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2020 19