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Top of mind: Other
                      August 2020 report
        ...Insurance Update continued from page 8                                 respondents saving more and feeling more
                                                                                  in control over finances, the most commonly
                                                                                  reported concern of Canadians remains the
                              parents    education                                pandemic’s ongoing impact on finances and
                     country  ongoing  survive  business away waiting             the economy (49 percent).
                                                                                    “While  the  economy  continues  to  be
                                                                                  top-of-mind  for  all  Canadians,  those  who
                  finishing  pay  survey  healthy health                          indicate  high  levels  of  uncertainty  (-26.8)
                                                                                  and  those  who  most  believe  we  will  not
                                                                                  return  to  a  pre-pandemic  state  (-19.6),
                                                                                  understand  that  even  as  some  people  are
                coming                         finances  sure   getting  possible  have  the  lowest  scores.  It  is  important  to
                                                                                  adapting,  others  are  not,”  said  Allen.  “The
                 corrupt   people  family  work                 usual             importance of collective responsibility goes
                knowing                       covid  climate          planet      well beyond wearing a mask in public. We
                   trudeau  catching  mental  visit  issues                       each need to look for changes in our friends
                                                                                  and  family,  and  offer  support  for  those
                                                                                  needing professional help.”
                 second   everything  world  know  mind  physical  works  problems  About the Mental Health Index™
                                                                                    The  monthly  survey  by  Morneau
                       long  canada  cancer  retirement  impact  government  normal  Shepell   was  conducted  through  an
                       money         corruption personal   adult                  online survey in English and French
                                                                                  from  July  21  to  July  31,  2020,  with  3,000
                            state   canadian   general safe                       respondents  in  Canada.  All  respondents
                              particular  social                                  reside  in  Canada  and  were  employed
                                household     stay                                within  the  last  six  months.  The  data  has
                                        income                                    been  statistically  weighted  to  ensure
                                                                                  the  regional  and  gender  composition  of
                                                                                  the  sample  reflects  this  population.  The
                                                                                  margins of error for the survey are +/- 3.2
               Individuals that selected ‘Other’ as a top of mind issue were prompted   percent,  valid  19  times  out  of  20.  The
                                                                                  Mental Health Index™ is published monthly,
               to input a text response. Text analysis revealed that the most     beginning April 2020, and compares against
               commonly reported other issues relate to COVID-19, health, work,   benchmark data collected in 2017, 2018 and
               family, climate change, retirement, and travel.                    2019. The full Canada report can be found
        two  (-13.0)  children  are  significantly  lower   Paradigm shifts from concern over work and   permafiles/92996/mental-health-index-
        than  those  with  none  (-9.9).  Surprisingly,   finances, to anxieties about personal life  report-canada-august-2020.pdf
        individuals with a full house appear to have   The  “new  normal”  has  become  a
        adapted  well  to  the  pandemic;  a  score  of   household  term  since  the  pandemic   About Morneau Shepell
        -8.6 was reported among those with three   began;  however,  Canadians  are  still  having   Morneau Shepell  is a leading provider
        children or more.                    difficultly  adapting  to  their  new  routines.   of technology-enabled HR services that
            The mental health of those working in   When considering the areas that have been   deliver an integrated approach to employee
        the education sector declined to -11.6 from   most challenging, the Mental Health Index™   wellbeing through our cloud-based platform.
        a  score  of  -11.1  in  July.  Post-secondary   found  that  adjusting  to  changes  in  one’s   Our  focus  is  providing  world-class  solutions
               The Mental Health Index ™  — Canada | August 2020
        students  have  the  largest  drop  of  any   personal life was more difficult than in their   to  our  clients to  support  the  mental,   22
        group, decreasing from -23.7 to -28.5. Post-  work life or finances. Thirty-four percent of   physical,  social  and  financial  wellbeing  of
        secondary students have also consistently   respondents stated they were undecided or   their people. By improving lives, we improve
        had  the  lowest  score  of  any  group  when   felt they had adapted poorly to changes in   business. Our approach spans services in
        compared  to  all  industries  across  the   their personal life or routine, and 30 percent   employee and family  assistance, health  and
        country.                             believed  they  had  adapted  badly  to  both   wellness,  recognition,  pension  and  benefits
           “September  will  be  a  particularly   changes in work and finances respectively.  administration,  retirement  consulting,
        difficult  month  for  Canadians,  as  they     The results show that while the first few   actuarial and investment services.  Morneau
        face  another  major  change  in  routine   months  of  the  pandemic  brought  forward   Shepell   employs  approximately  6,000
        and  new  challenges,”  said  Paula  Allen,   many  questions  about  employment  and   employees who work with some 24,000 client
        senior  vice  president  of  research,  analytics   financial  security,  the  paradigm  has  now   organizations  that  use  our  services  in  162
        and  innovation.  “As  we  navigate  several   shifted.  Canadians  have  begun  to  regain   countries. Morneau Shepell is a publicly traded
        uncertainties  over  the  coming  weeks,  it’s   some  control  in  areas  that  were  initially   company on the Toronto Stock Exchange
        critical  that  all  Canadians  continue  to  be   challenging  and  instead,  are  now  facing   (TSX: MSI). For more information, visit
        accountable for their health, maintain open   increasing  insecurities  in  their  day-to-day
        communication, and actively invest in their   life  as  restrictions  ease  across  the  country
        own mental wellbeing.”               and  isolated  outbreaks  occur.  Despite

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