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Industry NEWS

        About Orgill:                        deliberations and consulting with officials at   Urban  Windows  &  Doors,  located  in
           Orgill, the industry’s fastest-growing   the Halifax Convention Centre.  Sudbury,  ON,  opened  its  doors  by  industry
        hardlines distributor, was founded in 1847 and   .The ABSDA Expo, which was first held in   veterans in 2006. They serve the Northern
        is headquartered in Collierville, Tennessee.   1955, is one of the longest running industry   Ontario market  by offering the industry’s
        Orgill serves more than 11,000 retail hardware   events in the country. The Association took   highest-rated products and back them with
        stores, home centers, professional lumber   the safety of attendees into consideration,   expert installation and service.
        dealers and farm stores throughout the U.S.   along  with  the  ever  evolving  COVID-19   Midwest  Island  Woodworking  Inc.  is
        and Canada, and in over 50 countries around   situation  and  its  implications  as  we  enter   located  in  Nanaimo,  BC,  offering  premium
        the world.                           the eighth month of the pandemic.    flooring  brands.  They  distribute  flooring
                                               The Association is exploring options for   that is manufactured worldwide and that is
                                             connecting  Suppliers  and  Dealers  in  2021   environmentally friendly.
            absda 2021 expo cancelled        and will be in a position to announce plans   16 Lumber is located in Russell, MB and
                                             in the near future.                  serves its community with pride.
                                                                                    “I  appreciate  the  choice  that  these
                                                                                  businesses  have made to join  the  Sexton
                                              sexton group continues to expand    Group,  and  we  look  forward  to  growing
                                                       across canada              together in the coming years.” – Eric Palmer

                                                                                  Sexton Group Ltd is an independently owned
                                                                                  buying group for building materials, hardware,
                                                                                  lumber and manufactured structures. We are
                                                                                  a dedicated team of industry experts focused
                                                                                  on our independent members’ success. We
                                                                                  negotiate strong, regionally competitive
        It  is  with  regret  that  the  ABSDA  Board  of                         programs for all members coast-to-coast. We
        Directors  has  made  the  decision  not  to   Three New Members Join Sexton Group  work for our members every day, so they can
        proceed  with  the  2021  ABSDA  Building   Eric  Palmer,  Vice  President  and  General   focus on what matters most – their business.
        Supply Expo in-person event in Halifax due   Manager, is pleased to announce that three   We are committed to our 300 members,
        to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.    new  members,  Urban  Windows  &  Doors,   representing over 400 locations in every
             Their  2020  Expo  was  a  tremendous   Midwest  Island  Woodworking  Inc.  and  16   province and territory in Canada.
        success,  laying  the  groundwork  for  the   Lumber, have recently joined. “We continue
        future.  The  decision  to  pull  back  on  the   to  grow  our  diverse  member  base  across
        2021  in-person  event  was  arrived  after   Canada, and our three new members from
        many  discussions  with  Members,  Board   eastern and western provinces reflect that.”



                                                                                  Office closes
                                                                                  4:00 pm December 23
                    Please enjoy this time safely with your loved ones            Office reopens
                                                                                  8:30 am January 4

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