Page 18 - Nov-Dec 2020 Reporter
P. 18

"You tell us what meat cutters, welders, horse groomers
                                                      and hot tub installers have in common!"

               BOOM TRUCK TRAINING

                 What you need to know

            ember  businesses are  seeing  strong   and certified to operate the mobile crane in   recommended by the Ministry
        Msales during the spring, summer  and   a  safe  manner.  New  operator  certification   3. 16  hours,  minimum  standard  training
        fall with the demands for renovation and   or  recertification  courses  can  range  from   for  new  operators  with  some  skills  and
        construction  projects.    Hiring  competent   4  to  40  hours  of  training  depending  on   knowledge of cranes
        employees  such  as  boom truck  operators  is   the  level  of  experience  of  the  student.  If   4. 24  +  training  hours  may  be  required
        becoming a challenge.  We have reviewed the   new  equipment  or  methods  have  been   for  operators  with  multiple  crane
        information posted on our website and have   developed  for  the  safe  operation  of  the   attachments or if operators are required
        updated it to clarify the compliance issues in   crane,  the  employee  must  complete  a   to  do  several  difficult  operations  on  the
        training operators.                  refresher  course.    It  would  be  strongly   job with the crane
           The  Ministry  of  Training  College  and   recommended  that  all  employees  do  a   5. Ontario  Government  MLTSD  40  hour
        Universities  MTCU  is  now  the  Ministry  of   refresher  course  on  their  mobile  crane  on   training,  P930030.    Operator  must
        Labour  Training  and  Skills  Development   an annual basis as part of best practices for   accumulate hours of training and hands
        (MLTSD).  The  updated  standards  and   due diligence.                     on  operations  with  record  of  training
        minimal requirements needed for operators                                   documented  by  the  employer  with
        of boom trucks (Mobile Crane Operator (0-8   Employers  Have  5  Options  for  Certification   signing authority.  Operator will then be
        Ton) are as follows. Businesses that operate   of Competency Training:      eligible  to  write  the  MLTSD  government
        boom  trucks,  need  to  be  aware  of  the                                 test.  Once  the  operator  passes  the
        requirements  and  ensure  that  employees   1. 4 to 8 hours, evaluation of a competent   government test, then the operator is not
        that  are  operators  are  competent,  and   crane operator with previous certification   required  to  be  recertified  every  3  years
        the  employer  is  doing  their  due  diligence   training                  but is still governed by the requirements
        to  ensure  that  all employees  that  are   2. 8  hours,  basic  training  for  3  years   listed if retraining needs to be reassessed.
        designated  crane  operators  are    trained   recertification   of   competency

        18  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2020                                        
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