Page 22 - Jul-Aug 2024 - Reporter
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gained  a  huge  amount  of  business  because   Selfridge in 1909. This is a phrase we need   of  a  phone  conversation  where  the  phone
        they don’t keep customers waiting. They can   to  get  out  of  our  vocabulary  as  retailers.   attendant  is  constantly  typing,  even  before
        deliver  products  in  areas  same  day  or  next   Customers  need  to  be  respected  and  have   you have explained the issues. You know that
        day  that  were  previously  unheard  of.  Your   their  concerns  listened  to.  The  customers   this customer service person is not listening
        business may not be able to do that but make   are not always right.  Matters will not always   to your concerns.
        sure  delivery  dates  are  communicated  and   be settled in a manner that they desire but a   Training  on  the  products  and  services
        updated. Contractors today work in incredibly   workable  solution  needs  to  be  offered.  If  a   your  company  offers  is  important.  This
        tight time frames. Proper communication will   customer  is  voicing  an  issue,  it  needs  to  be   is  an  ongoing  process  that  requires
        allow  your  customer  to  plan  their  projects,   resolved and the solution needs to be timely.   constant  updates  to  make  sure  that  staff
        move  to  another  part  of  a  project  or  to   Waiting for a problem to fix itself is never a   is  knowledgeable  about  current  materials
        another job if material is unavailable. If trades   solution.             and  procedures.  The  LBMAO  offers  a  great
        are  waiting  for  materials  to  show  up  that                          set  of  training  classes  that  can  help  teach
        creates a huge red flag with customers.    Customer Service Staff Need Proper Training  staff  about  building  construction,  materials
                                               The  best  retailers  and  suppliers  make   estimating,   plumbing   installation   and
        The Lack Of Human Contact            sure  that  their  staff  is  well  trained  and   electrical  installation.  Knowing  your  product
           Voicemail,  email  and  auto-attendants   knowledgeable.  You  can  have  the  best   can  separate  superstar  staff  from  average
        have  all  made  retail  less  reliant  on  having   product  but  if  customers  don’t  know  how   customer service people. While no staff will
        a  person  to  answer  the  phone  or  repetitive   to use it or how to buy it then your business   ever be able to know everything about each
        questions  like  what  your  hours  are,  what  is   will  not  be  successful.  Training  starts  from   of  the  thousands  of  products  that  are  used
        your  address,  or  do  you  stock  this  product   greeting the customers. If they are in person a   in the building materials industry, they need
        but  sometimes  customers  want  to  talk  to  a   simple good morning, or good afternoon will   to know how to find additional information. I
        person.  There  are  times  when  technology   get the interaction started. It’s best not to use   know that everyone has been shopping and
        makes it impossible to speak to a person. You   the greeting of “can I help you.”   That is the   been waited on by a staff member who must
        need  to  have  the  ability  for  your  customers   simplest  way  of  telling  your  customers  that   ask another to answer every question. While
        to  push  zero  to  reach  a  person  and  not  be   you are untrained, and they will respond with   everyone in this industry was new once, it is
        stuck in a black hole where they are unable to   “I am just looking” – even if they want help. It   important that the training cycle starts early
        connect to a representative of your company.   is an instinctive reaction to that phrase.   for  new  staff  and  that  it  continues  so  that
        A  constant  loop  with  no  ability  to  get  to   Good  customer  service  training  also   every  staff  is  well  equipped  to  service  the
        speak  to  someone  just  makes  a  potentially   comes in the form of how you interact with   customers.
        bad situation worse. Your customer will feel   the  customers.  Listen  to  their  needs,  verify
        that  they  are  just  a  number  and  will  look   that you have understood their requirements   Customers Need Follow-up
        for  another  supplier  who  can  address  their   and  then  respond  with  potential  solutions.   Every  interaction  with  a  customer
        problems.                            All  the  while  using  good  body  language   will  need  some  follow  up.  If  they  have
                                             that  shows  your  interest  in  helping  your   questions  they  need  to  be  answered,  they
        The Lack of Resolution               customers. Body language is even important   need  a  response.  Great  customer  service
           “The  customer  is  always  right”  is  a  well-  during a phone call. We have all been parts   involves  providing  solutions  to  a  customer’s
        known  phase  coined  by  Harry  Gordon

        22  LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2024                                              
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