Page 21 - Jul-Aug 2024 - Reporter
P. 21

he  subject  of  customer  service  has  been   service habits during this trying time.   Projects like basements, decks and additions
        Ttalked  about  and  debated  by  customers,                              have  been  abandoned.  Home  values  have
        manufacturers,  and  retailers  since  the  first   Online Shopping Has Changed Customer   plateaued  or  are  decreasing.  The  average
        store  opened.  What  makes  good  customer   Experience                  Canadian  family  now  is  closely  watching
        service to one customer may not be suitable   We  also  saw  the  tremendous  growth  of   their  discretionary  spending  budget.  New
        for  another.  All  of  us  have  been  a  customer   online shopping during this time. Customers   construction  starts  are  down  and  quotes  for
        of a business or service where we have had   who  were  locked  down  and  shut  in  their   building  materials  are  being  asked  for  less
        poor  customer  service.  We  all  have  had   homes  purchased  products  online  and  had   and less. This has all happened before in the
        experiences - either online or in person that   them delivered to their porch.  Canadian Tire   boom-and-bust  cycle  of  the  hardware  and
        were  cringeworthy.  Often,  we  have  shared   said  that  their  e-commerce  sale  penetration   building  material  industry,  but  this  latest
        these  bad  service  examples  with  friends,   reached  11%  in  2022  while  Home  Depot   boom cycle has lasted since 2010 in Ontario,
        family, or coworkers, telling them to avoid a   had  an  estimated  10%  of  their  sales  in   much  longer  than  typical.  Long  enough  that
        product, company, or service because of this   Canada  come  through  online  transactions.   some of those in this industry may have never
        experience.  What  can  be  done  to  improve   The  online  sales  business  makes  having   experienced this downturn in spending. Gone
        customer service and to alter staff behaviour   great  customer  experiences  tougher  but   are the days where if you had it, you could sell
        and   attitudes   to   consistently   deliver   not  impossible.  Amazon  currently  holds  the   it. Both retailers and suppliers need to realize
        exceptional  service?  The  LBMAO  has  talked   title  as  the  premier  ecommerce  retailer  in   that  they  must  make  excellent  customer
        to  some  experts  in  retail  and  in  consumer   Canada. In 2023 $4 out of every $10 spent on   service a top priority.
        behaviour to build a work sheet that may help   online shopping went through Amazon. They
        improve  the  service  customers  receive  from   commanded  41.5%  of  the  total  retail  on-  Customer Service Pitfalls and Suggestions:
        your organization.                   line shopping sales in Canada, most of it with   In  both  good  and  bad  times,  businesses
                                                                                       need to avoid negative behaviours to
        The History of the Latest Sale Boom                                            have  strong  customer  experiences.
           Since the beginning of the COVID                                            In  good  times  businesses  can  get
        19  pandemic  retail  has  changed                                             away  with  the  bad  habits  and  still
        dramatically,  in  some  ways  for  the                                        be  successful.  In  the  current  market
        good  and  in  others  it  has  gotten                                         conditions  poor  habits  will  result  in
        tougher.  The  hardware  and  building                                         lost sales.
        materials  industry  became  one
        of  the  essential  industries  which                                          Don’t Be Difficult to Reach
        remained open during the shutdown                                                 This can be a problem in a variety
        in  Ontario.    Individuals  who  were                                         of  ways.  In-person  shoppers  who
        stuck at home now had time to finish                                           cannot  find  a  sales  associate  who  is
        their  basement,  paint  the  interior  of                                     trained  and  willing  to  help  is  a  huge
        their  home,  build  a  deck  or  fence,                                       problem. Staff on the sales floor who
        and  redecorate  areas  that  they  did                                        are unwilling to help a customer or a
        not have time to address previously.                                           lack of staff in the selling area mean
        Like  grocery  store  workers,  those                                          lost sales, walk outs and may increase
        of  us  in  the  home  improvement                                             shoplifting. Difficult to reach may also
        industry had to go to work and find                                            mean  that  no  one  is  answering  the
        alternative  ways  to  deliver  product                                        phone, a text, or an email. I dealt with
        to  the  public  in  a  safe,  distanced                                       a retailer this week that said they only
        method.  It  was  a  challenge  to                                             check their voice mail once per week.
        deliver  excellent  customer  service                                          If  your  customers  have  issues  and
        to customers who didn’t know and could not   little or no human interaction. What they have   you  don’t  respond  for  a  week,  they  may  be
        describe what they wanted while they were   done is make the shopping experience simple,   planning  to  see  if  your  competitor  can  help
        not allowed to walk though stores and browse   ensuring that the customer is well informed   before  that  week  is  up.  Today’s  customers
        the selections.  Customers had short tempers   on what is happening. They have also made   are also more connected than ever. We don’t
        and  were  frustrated  because  they  could  not   the return process seamless. Customers want   leave the house in the morning without our
        communicate what they needed. How many   an experience that keeps them informed and   phones.  If  you  customer  sends  a  text  or  an
        of  us  were  asked  to  have  a  'thingamajig',  or   minimizes nasty surprises.  email and they don’t receive a prompt reply –
        were asked over the phone to get a piece of                               your business is difficult to reach.
        material  that  was  the  length  of  a  pen  wide   What  Has  Changed  Since  2020,  2021  and
        and  half  that  size  tall.  Challenging  times   2022                   Don’t Keep the Customer Waiting
        indeed.  This  resulted  in  a  strain  on  staff    The  COVID  19  shutdown  provided  the   This  is  part  of  today’s  customer  who  is
        and  management.  Retail  is  not  always  a   hardware and building materials industry with   busy.  They  have  no  time  to  wait.  “Time  is
        glamourous  job  and  customers  who  were   some  record  sales  years.  Sales  and  margins   money.”    How  many  times  per  day  do  you
        angry about being locked down made the job   set records for many companies. Prices were   hear this from your trade and pro customers.
        even  more  difficult.  This  was  compounded   strong.  If you could get product, people would   To  provide  excellent  customer  service  you
        because of the lack of available staff; it made   buy it. Fast forward to summer of 2024 and   need to let your customers know when you
        a difficult job even more challenging.  Many   things  have  changed.  Customers  who  spent   expect the product to be in stock or delivered
        staff  who  were  overworked  and  treated   liberally on their homes have felt the squeeze   to  the  jobsite.  No  one  is  perfect  and  one
        poorly left the industry.  Some of those that   of  higher  mortgage  costs,  combined  with   thing  that  the  past  number  of  years  have
        remained developed bad attitudes and poor   record grocery bills and large tax hikes on fuel.   told us is to expect the unexpected. Amazon                                                           LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2024 21
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