Page 10 - Sep-Oct 2024 - REPORTER - web optimized2
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         castle continues to expand with         BMR ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT              HOME HARDWARE NEWS
              new locATION IN ALBERTA

        Castle   growth   continues   with   the   BMR  Group  is  pleased  to  announce  the   Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited  Recognizes
        announcement  today  of  a  new  member  in   appointment  of  Mr.  Enrico  Del  Grande   18  Proud  of  My  Home  Achievement  Award
        Western  Canada.  T&L  Custom  Cabinets  GP   as  Senior  Director,  Marketing  and  Digital   Winners
        LTD is the latest acquisition and second home   Strategy.                   On  September  12,  eighteen  stores  were
        improvement retail location recently acquired             With  over  25   honoured  during  the  Proud  of  My  Home
        by the Onion Lake Group of Companies.                   years  of  experience   Achievement Awards, part of Home Hardware
           The Group, who also own Castle location              in  marketing  and   Stores Limited’s annual Homecoming buying
        All  Nations  Building  Supply  in  Onion  Lake,        digital   strategies,   event and recognition ceremony.
        SK, are now positioned to serve the district of         Mr. Del Grande joins   Top honours were awarded to Shepherd's
        Lloydminster, AB and surrounding community.             BMR  Group  from   Home Hardware Building Centre in Armstrong,
        Being part of the Castle Group has given the            Lassonde,  a  leader   B.C.,  who  took  home  the  annual  Walter  J.
        Group  the  opportunity  to  grow  organically          in  the  food  and   Hachborn Store of the Year Award. The award
        and they are excited about this next chapter.           beverage  industry.   was presented to Dealer-Owners Kyle Melvin
           “The  Castle  Buying  Group  gives  T&L              Until  recently,  he   and  Brett  Melvin,  for  upholding  the  values
        Custom Cabinets the stability needed to buy             held the position of   on  which  Home  Hardware  was  co-founded
        better  and  be  more  cost  effective  with  the       Digital  Marketing  &   by  Walter  J.  Hachborn  60  years  ago—value,
        opportunity  to  expand  our  product  mix  to          CRM Director.     service,  and  dependability.  The  Melvins  and
        the consumer and beyond” Doug Hollington,   Over the course of his career, he has held   their  store  were  also  awarded  Best  Home
        General Manager                      numerous  leadership  positions  with  large   Hardware Building Centre – Western Region at
           T&L  has  served  the  area  since  1987,   organizations  including  Metro,  Centre  du   the ceremony.
        and  with  their  new  retail  space,  will  offer   Rasoir,  Fruits  &  Passion,  as  well  as  another   "We  are  honoured  to  be  recognized
        customers a wide variety of new products and   banner  in  the  construction  and  renovation   with  these  awards  as  our  store  prepares
        services.  The  store  will  also  design  custom   industry.             to  celebrate  a  century  in  the  Armstrong
        kitchens  and  cabinets,  which  is  one  of  the   With a Bachelor of Business Administration   community  next  year,”  said  Kyle  Melvin,
        many areas in which  they specialize.  (B.B.A.)  -  Marketing  from  HEC  Montréal,  Mr.   Dealer-Owner of Shepherd’s Home Hardware
           Doug  and  his  team  are  looking  forward   Del Grande is recognized by his peers for his   Building  Centre.  “Brett  and  I  are  the  second
        to all the benefits of being part of the Castle   curiosity, openness, sense of innovation and   generation  of  Melvins  to  own  and  operate
        group  including  member  support  and  the   broad experience.           Shepherd’s  Home  Hardware  Building  Centre
        potential  to  maximize  profits  while  still   “I'm  delighted  that  Enrico  has  agreed  to   and  are  proud  of  our  place  in  the  store’s
        maintaining the integrity of their local brand.  join the BMR family and take on the exciting   history.  We  share  this  recognition  with  our
           “Our top priority at Castle is to empower   challenges ahead. Our marketing and digital   parents, Sandy and Dale Melvin, who helped
        and  elevate  our  independent  dealers  by   strategy is at the heart of BMR's growth plan,   lay  the  groundwork  for  the  business  to
        delivering the lowest cost-of-goods partnered   and Enrico will certainly be an important asset   become what it is today.”
        with   the   lowest   cost-of-buying-group-  in  helping  us  achieve  our  objectives,”  said   The Walter J. Hachborn Store of the Year
        affiliation. We provide our members with the   Marlène  Hins,  Vice  President,  Marketing  and   Award  acknowledges  the  top  Home  store
        tools  they  need  to  experience  exponential   Communications.          from  more  than  1,000  stores  across  Canada
        growth. We do things differently, and because   Mr.  Del  Grande  reports  to  Marlène   for  achieving  the  highest  standards  in
        of  this,  we  are  the  fastest-growing  buying   Hins,   Vice   President,   Marketing   and   retailing,  merchandising,  staff  performance
        group  in  Canada.”Ken  Jenkins,  President  &   Communications.   Please   join   us   in   and overall quality and service.
        CEO                                  congratulating Mr. Del Grande and welcoming   “The  Melvin  brothers  and  their  team  at
           Castle welcomes T&L Custom Cabinets to   him to the BMR Group team.    Shepherd's  Home  Hardware  Building  Centre
        the family.                                                               truly  embody  what  the  Walter  J.  Hachborn
                                                                                  Store of the Year Award stands for," said Kevin
                                                                                  Macnab, President and CEO, Home Hardware
                                                                                  Stores  Limited.  "At  Shepherd’s  Home
                                                                                  Hardware  Building  Centre,  all  customers  are
                                                                                  treated like part of the family. Kyle, Brett and
                                                                                  the team get to know each of their customers

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