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timber mart announces its
2024 local leader
Quebec Community Hero to Receive $18,000
TIMBER MART has announced Cathy
Tétreault as the 2024 Local Leader of the
Year winner to receive an $18,000 grant for
her local community to help educate and
advocate for youth.
“At TIMBER MART, we’re dedicated to
helping the communities our dealers are
located in – which is why we’re excited to Recognizing and celebrating local heroes like against bullying by the Quebec Government
announce Cathy Tétreault as our 2024 Local Cathy is an honour and we look forward to in 2015. Tétreault authored the book
Leader,” says Jon Irwin, vice-president of seeing her continue to enrich the lives of the “Jeunes connectés, parents informés” (Midi
Member Services for TIMBER MART. “Her youth in her community with the work that Trente, 2018), which offers comprehensive
commitment to educating and advocating for she does.” guidance on young people’s safe and healthy
youth is critical in her community and we’re Cathy Tétreault was nominated by her technology use.
proud to be able to play a small role in that. local TIMBER MART store, Matériaux Audet, for Cathy’s contributions to Maison des
her dedication to positively jeunes de Duberger align with TIMBER MART’s
impacting the youth in her values and dedication towards fostering
community. Tétreault serves positive change in local communities across
as the director of Maison Canada. With this TIMBER MART grant, funds
des jeunes de Duberger, will be distributed to support three projects
where she fulfills a lifelong developed by Tétreault and her team that will
mission of instilling hope help to positively impact the overall health of
in young people through youth aged 10 to 17.
educational and positive
projects. She is a devoted, About Local Leaders
caring, and forward-thinking The TIMBER MART Local Leaders campaign
individual. In 2011, she was launched in 2023 to showcase the heroes
founded the Centre Cyber-
aide (CCA), specializing in and leaders who have established themselves
preventing cyber addiction, as pillars in their respective communities.
cyberbullying, and Nominations were collected and voted on from
hypersexualization. Through stores from coast to coast.
CCA, she educates young
people, parents and the About TIMBER MART
public on safe and healthy Founded in 1967, TIMBER MART is the
screen usage. largest national member-owned buying
She actively participates group in Canada for the true independent
in consultations on her entrepreneur. With hundreds of members,
expertise, including the including independent building-material
International Congress
on Educational Success and hardware retailers, commercial dealers
Quality you can trust. (2018) and the Forum and manufacturers located in every province
on Screen Use and Youth across the country, TIMBER MART provides
MOULDINGS • BOARDS • WALL COVERINGS • POCKET DOOR FRAMES Health (2020). Tétreault its extensive dealer network with a menu of
initiated a petition for the competitive buying programs, comprehensive
reinstatement of sexual marketing services and personalized support to
education courses (2014) drive independent business success. For more
and was recognized as information, visit and a partner in the fight
14 LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2024