Page 20 - D12771 - LBMAO - Jan-Feb-2018 - REPORTER - web
P. 20

a summary of  bill 148

        Photo by Josh Evnin

           ntario’s economy, like others around the  Equal pay for casual, part-time,   as  employees of the  client who perform
        Oworld,  has  changed.  Work  is  different  temporary and seasonal employees  substantially the same work.
        and,  for  many  people,  increasingly  less                                The  employer  will  have  to  respond  by
        secure.  Many  workers  struggle  to  support   What’s changing           either  adjusting  the  employee’s  pay  or
        their  families  on  part-time,  contract  or   It  will  be  mandatory  for  employers  to   giving the employee a written explanation.
        minimum-wage work, and many more don’t   pay:
        have access to time off due to illness.                                   Exceptions
           In  order  to  create  more  opportunity   •  casual, part-time, temporary and seasonal   Employers will be exempt from the new
        and  security  for  workers  in  this  changing   employees,  who  are  doing  substantially   equal pay for equal work rules for part-time,
        economy,  we   introduced  the  Fair   the  same  work  as  full-time/permanent   temporary, casual and seasonal employees,
        Workplaces,  Better  Jobs  Act,  2017.  It  was   employees, the same rate of pay as full-  if the wage difference is based on:
        passed on November 22, 2017.           time/permanent employees           •  a seniority or merit system
           This  legislation  makes  a  number  of   •  temporary  help  agency  employees  (also
        changes to both the Employment Standards   known  as  assignment  employees),  who   •  systems  that  measure  earnings  by
                                                                                    quantity or quality of production
        Act,  2000,  the  Labour  Relations  Act,  1995,   are doing substantially the same work as   •  other factors (sex and employment status
        and the Occupational Health and Safety Act,   employees of the client, the same rate of   will not qualify as an exception)
        including  raising  the  minimum  wage  and   pay as employees of the client
        providing employees with the following:  Casual,  part-time,  temporary  and  Temporary  help  agencies  will  be  exempt
                                             seasonal employees will be allowed to ask
        Minimum wage                         their  employer  to  review  their  rate  of  pay   from the new equal pay for equal work rules
                                                                                  for  temporary  help  agency  assignment
           We’ve introduced legislation to increase   if  they  believe  they’re  not  receiving  the
        the general minimum wage to $14 per hour   same  rate  of  pay  as  full-time/permanent   employees  if  the  difference  in  the  rate
                                                                                  in  pay  is  based  on  something  other  than
        on  January  1,  2018,  and  then  to  $15  on   employees  who  perform  substantially  the   sex,  employment  status  or  assignment
        January 1, 2019.                     same work.                           employee status.
                                               Temporary  help  agency  employees
                                             will  also  be  allowed  to  ask  their  employer   Comes into effect
                                             to review their rate of pay if they believe   This  will  come  into  effect  on  April  1,
                                             they’re not receiving the same rate of pay   2018.

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