Page 24 - D12771 - LBMAO - Jan-Feb-2018 - REPORTER - web
P. 24

because they are necessary for an employer  Family medical leave          expands  the  list  of  family members  for
        to  prevent  situations  that  could  result  in,                         whom an employee could take the leave to
        for example: danger to life, health or safety;   Why are you increasing family medical leave?  include critically ill children of other family
        the  destruction  or  serious  deterioration  of   This change mirrors the recent changes   members.
        machinery, equipment or premises; serious   to  the  Federal  Employment  Insurance  Act
        environmental damage; or disruption of the   and would align the Employment Standards   Crime-related child death or disappearance
        administration of the courts.        Act  with  the  available  Employment  leave
           This exception would apply "regardless of   Insurance  benefits  for  employees.  Family
        who delivers those essential public services.   Medical Leave would increase from up to 8   What changes are being made to crime-
        As  such,  this  provision  could  apply  to   weeks in a 26 week period to up to 28 weeks   related child death or disappearance leave?
        employees who work for private companies   in a 52 week period.             Formerly,  Ontario  offered  up  to  104
        that  deliver  public  services,  for  example,                           weeks  unpaid  leave  for  a  crime-related
        privately  run  ambulance  or  road-clearing   What changes have you made to who can sign   death of a child and up to 52 weeks leave for
        services, or a business that provides food to   a certificate necessary to take Family Medical   the crime-related disappearance of a child.
        hospitals.                           Leave, stating that the family member has a   The  new  legislation  extends  this  leave  of
                                             serious  medical  condition  with  a  significant   absence to all child deaths, regardless of the
        Domestic or sexual violence leave    risk of death within 26 weeks?       reason, and it extends the available duration
                                               A qualified medical practitioner who may   of  the  crime-related  disappearance  of  a
        What is the new leave for victims of domestic   issue a certificate necessary to take family   child leave to 104 weeks.
        or sexual violence?                  medical Leave is now a physician or a nurse
           A new domestic or sexual violence leave   practitioner.                Pregnancy and parental leave
        has been established.
           For employees that have been employed   Critically ill  child care leave  / Critical illness   What changes have been made to pregnancy
        for at least 13 consecutive weeks, the new   leave                        and parental leave?
        legislation provides up to 10 individual days
        of leave and up to 15 weeks of job protected   What changes are being made to critically ill   Pregnancy leave:
        leave when an employee or their child has   child care leave?             •  The  entitlement  to  a  six  week
        experienced or is threatened with domestic   This change mirrors the recent changes   extension  of  pregnancy  leave  in  certain
        or  sexual  violence.  The  first  five  days  of   to  the  Federal  Employment  Insurance  Act   circumstances,  where  the  employee  has
        leave each calendar year would be paid, the   and would align the Employment Standards   a miscarriage or still-birth, is increased to
        rest would be unpaid.                Act  with  the  available  Employment  12 weeks.
           The  new  legislation  also  requires   Insurance benefits for employees.  •  This  change  would  come  into  force  on
        employers  to  put  mechanisms  in  place   Formerly, Ontario offered up to 37 weeks   January 1, 2018.
        to  protect  the  confidentiality  of  records   unpaid leave for a parent to provide care or   •  An  employee  who  started  pregnancy
        they  receive  or  produce  in  relation  to   support to their critically ill child. The new   leave  before  January  1,  2018  would  be
        an  employee  taking  domestic  or  sexual   legislation  renames  this  section  ‘Critical   subject  to  the  current  entitlement  (6
        violence leave. These leave provision comes   illness  leave’  and expands  it  to  include  a   weeks).
        into force on January 1, 2018.       new leave that allows 17 weeks of leave for
                                             an employee to provide care or support to   Parental leave:
                                             a  critically  ill  adult  family  member.  It  also   •  The  entitlement  to  parental  leave  is
                                                                                    increased from 35 weeks to 61 weeks for
                                                                                    employees  who  take  pregnancy  leave,
                                                                                    and from 37 weeks to 63 weeks otherwise
                                                                                    to  align  with  changes  to  Employment
                                                                                    Insurance benefits.
                                                                                  •  Section  48  is  amended  to  provide  that
                                                                                    a  parental  leave  may  begin  no  later
                                                                                    than 78 weeks after the child is born or
                                                                                    comes into the employee’s custody, care
                                                                                    and  control  for  the  first  time.  This  is  in
                                                                                    alignment with Employment Insurance as
                                                                                  •  This change would come into force on the
                                                                                    later of December 3, 2017 (the date that
                                                                                    Employment Insurance benefits changes
                                                                                    will be effective) or royal assent.
                                                                                  •  An employee who started parental leave
                                                                                    before the coming into force date would
                                                                                    be subject to the current entitlement.
                                                                                  What changes have you made to who can sign
                                                                                  a medical certificate for pregnancy leave?
                                                                                    A  qualified  medical  practitioner  who
                                                                                  may issue a certificate related to pregnancy

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